Honours for envoys from Priene sent to the Panathenaia
Lazar, New readings 181-190 Date: Ca. 200 BC?
. . . Assembly in the theatre. Of the presiding committee . . . was putting to
the vote, and his fellow presiding committee members . . . [1] . . . proposed: since the Prienians being friends [and kinsmen of the Athenian] (5) [People] from ancient times, . . . [call to mind?] by all means (dia pantos) both the other benefactions of the People
towards them, and especially that
the Athenians -settled (?) (-ōikisan) them after (meta tēn EPI) . . . [2] and now wishing to join in enlarging (sunepauxein) the honours done to the gods
(10) by the People, have sent [ambassadors] to the Panathenaia, who . . . the . . . . . . which there was for Athena Archegetis [and . . . [3]] of the city; and those who were present . . . . . . took care of this also splendidly (endoxōs) . . . (15) and of the Great [Panathenaia] . . . [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . good will of the People [of Priene] (20) [ . . . to praise the Prienian People] and [crown it with a gold] [crown] according to the law [for its] goodwill [and] [love of honour towards the] Council [and the Athenian People and] [to announce] the crown [at the City] Dionysia at the competition
for new tragedies,[5] and the generals shall take care of
(25) the announcement, and to praise also the ambassadors . . . . . . son of Arke[ph]on (?), Lakon . . . . . .