Decrees for Mytilene, 369-367 BC

IG II2 107 Date: 368/7 BC (decrees 1-2), 369/8 BC (decree 3)
Decree 1[1] Gods. Of the Mytileneans. Nausigenes was archon (368/7). AiantisIX was in prytany. Moschos of Kydathenaion 5 was secretary. Aristyllos of Erchia was chairman. The Council and the People decided. Diophantos proposed: concerning what the ambassadors who have come from Lesbos say, the Council shall resolve: that the presiding committee 10 allotted to preside at the next Assembly shall introduce them to the People, and submit the opinion of the Council to the People that it seems good to the Council, since the Mytileneans are good men with regard to the People of Athens both now and in time past, to praise the People of Mytilene for their goodness 15 to the People of Athens; and they shall have access, if they need anything, to the Council and the People first after the religious business or after the sacrifices.[2] Also praise Hieroitas because he is a good man with regard to the People of Athens and of Mytilene. The secretary of the Council shall inscribe this decree on a stone stele 20 and put it on the acropolis. Inscribe also on the same stele the decree by which the People replied to the Mytilenean ambassadors with Hieroitas. For inscribing the stele the treasurer of the People shall give to the secretary of the Council 20 drachmas. Praise the ambassadors 25 sent to Mytilene and invite them to dinner in the city hall tomorrow. Invite also the representatives of the Mytileneans to hospitality in the city hall tomorrow. Invite also the representatives of the Methymnaians and the Antissans and the Eresians and the Pyrrhaians to hospitality 30 in the city hall tomorrow.
Decree 2 30 Autolykos proposed: in other respects in accordance with the Council; but praise the ambassadors sent to Lesbos, Timonothos and Autolykos and Aristopeithes, and invite them to dinner in the city hall tomorrow.
Decree 3 35 In the archonship of Lysistratos (369/8). The Council and the People decided. Kallistratos proposed: to praise the People of Mytilene because they fought together through the war which is over well and enthusiastically. 40 And reply to the ambassadors who have come that the Athenians fought for [the freedom] of the Greeks; and when [the Spartans] were campaigning against the Greeks contrary to the oaths and the 45 agreement, they themselves supported, and they called on the other allies to provide the support due to the Athenians, abiding by the oaths, against those who were [contravening] the treaty, and they think it right . . . 50 . . . in time past . . . . . . the People of Mytilene . . . People of Athens . . . . . . . . . 55 . . . with the Athenians . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 . . . . . .