Decrees of Eleusis relating to leasing of quarries

I Eleusis 85 Date: 332/1 BC
Gods.[1] Epigenes proposed: for the good fortune of the demesmen, since Philokomos introduced a proposal concerning the Akris to sell for the god the (5) quarrying rights, so that the sacrifice should be as fine as possible, and they were bought from the demesmen by Moirokles for five years for one and a half minai a year, and he donated 100 drachmas for the five years, the Eleusinians shall decide, to praise (10) Philokomos son of Philanthides and crown him with a gold crown for his excellence and good will towards the demesmen; and for the money for the crown for Philokomos Moirokles shall give a hundred drachmas in the presence of the demesmen, and to praise (15) Moirokles son of Euthydemos, because he takes care that the income of the deme shall be as great as possible, and crown him with a foliage crown.
Crown with relief of a krater on a stand[2]
Philokomos son of Philanthides of Eleusis proposed: for the good fortune of the demesmen, so that the income for Herakles in Akris (20) may be as great as possible and the sacrifice be performed as finely as possible, the demesmen shall resolve: that the quarries at Eleusis in Akris, since they are sacred to Herakles in Akris, the demarch shall lease them in the agora or at the meeting of the demesmen to the man who offers the most; and the lessee shall pay (25) the rent in the archonship of Niketes (332/1) at whatever time he persuades the demesmen before the sacrifice, but after the archonship of Niketes in the month of Metageitnion at the elections, when the demesmen assemble in the Theseion;[3] and the lessee shall provide two creditworthy (axiochreous) men as guarantors (?)[4] (30)that the whole rent shall be paid at the specified time; and the demarch shall take this money and provide it for the festival of Herakles in Akris; and the demesmen shall vote immediately on whether they decide to lease for a year, or whether for (35) a longer period; and whichever they decide, that shall be valid and the demarch shall lease on these terms; and it shall not be permitted for anyone to propose that the money ought to be spent on any other purpose than for the sacrifice for Herakles, nor shall the sacred remembrancers (hieromnēmosin) or the demarch put (such a proposal) to the vote; and if anyone proposes or puts (40) to the vote contrary to this decree, he shall owe to the god double the amount for which he makes the proposal or puts to the vote; and the auditor (euthunos) and advocate (sunēgoros) are to impose this fine or owe it themselves; and the demarch shall inscribe this decree on a stone stele and stand it (45) in the sanctuary of Herakles in Akris, so that what has been resolved by the demesmen shall be valid for all time and not be undone; and Antiphanes the priest of Herakles shall see to it that the stele is stood in the sanctuary before the sacrifice in the archonship of Niketes (332/1); and (50) the demarch shall give ten drachmas for inscribing the stele from the revenue of the god; and this decree shall be valid from the archonship of Niketes, from the day on which the demesmen vote it.