List of a board of archons
AIO 2660 Date: 9 BC – ca. 75 AD, probably 40s AD
[Archon]:[1] . . . [King]:
. . . 5 [Polemarch]:
. . . [Court presidents[2] ]: . . . . . . . . . of EuonymonI?
. . . . . . . . . of PaianiaIII 10 . . . . . . . . . of EupyridaiIV . . . . . . . . . of BerenikidaiV Hestiarchos son of – of PhlyaV Demokrates (son of Demokrates) of AthmononXII Hoplite general: Julius
15 Nikanor, New Homer and New Themis[tokles] Herald of the Areopagos Council: Ti[berius Claudius] The[oge]nes of Paiania[3] Minor Herald : Attikos son of Diodotos of Marathon
Pipe-player: Nikias (son of Nikias) of Phlya –
Uninscribed space 20 Public servant : Isidotos son of Isigenes the Milesian.[4]