Honours for Lamian judges

IG II3 1 998 Date: 251/0 BC
Kalaides son of Kalaides of Xypete proposed: since the judges elected by the city of the Lamians[1] for the court proceedings (dikas) allotted (eilēgmenas) according to the [judicial agreement (sumbolon)] between the Boeotians and Athenians [resolved (dielusan)] some (5) and decided (ekrinan) the rest justly, for good fortune, the People shall decide: that the presiding committee (proedrous) allotted for the coming Assembly shall put the matter on the agenda and submit the opinion of the Council to the People, that it seems good to the Council to praise the judges for their justice (10) and to crown each of them with a foliage crown, Patron son of Kylouthos, Ari- son of -, Kleisthenes son of Philippos, . . . , -odamos . . . . . .