Flavia Philadelphia honours Hadrian

SEG 41.143 Date: ca. 132 AD
(This statue of) Emperor [Caesar Trajan] Hadrian Augustus [Olympios] (was erected by) [the city] of the Flavia Ph[iladelphians] . . . . . . through the [most sacred - Council] (5) and the most pious [People . . . due to both their] - for the God New Dionysos . . . and their [friendship and] kinship with the Athenians [since the time of the ancestors].[1] The envoys were . . . father of boys who were Olympic victors . . . (10) in the first Olympiad (132/3 AD) . . . [and][2] Antonius Cornelianus . . . having been managed (epimelēthentōn) by . . . Marcellus Council-guard (boulophulakos) . . . Tryphon and Eisidoros the . . . (15) hierophants and fellow-sacrificers of their own fatherland for . . . life, we being honoured with citizenship . . . [3]