Inscription Types
AArtist's signature - (1 inscription)
BBoundary marker - (14 inscriptions)
Building contract - (2 inscriptions)
Building inscription - (6 inscriptions)
CCult regulation - (14 inscriptions)
DDecision of Second Athenian League - (1 inscription)
Dedication (private) - (125 inscriptions)
Dedication (public) - (840 inscriptions)
E F H IInter-state arbitration - (1 inscription)
LList of names - (73 inscriptions)
O RRecord of endowment - (5 inscriptions)
SSacrificial Calendar - (12 inscriptions)
Statue Bases and Herms - (148 inscriptions)
TTheatre seat - (6 inscriptions)
Transcript of oration - (1 inscription)
Tribute list - (4 inscriptions)