IG II2 872

IG II2 873 - Honorific decree?

IG II2 876 - Decree honouring a prytany

IG II2 878 - Fragment of decree

IG II2 880 - Honorifc decree

IG II2 881

IG II2 882

IG II2 884 - Honours for Eris of Byzantium and other Byzantines

IG II2 886 - Honours for a benefactor (from Pergamon?)

IG II2 888 - Honours for a courtier

IG II2 889 - Citizenship decree for Klearchos

IG II2 890 - Honours for a prytany

IG II2 891 - Honours for Alex-, a courtier of king Ptolemy V

IG II2 892 - Proxeny decree

IG II2 893a - Honours for (a courtier of?) king Ptolemy V

IG II2 893bc - Citizenship for an Eretrian

IG II2 894 - Honours (for an Athenian)

IG II2 895 - Honours for a cavalry commander

IG II2 896 - Honours for the father of a basket-bearer and the managers of the procession at the City Dionysia

IG II2 897 - Honours for Zoilos, courtier of king Ptolemy V

IG II2 898 - Honours for a sacred remembrancer (hieromnemon)

IG II2 899 - Honours for the prytany of Leontis

IG II2 900 ab - Honours for the ephebes of 185/4 and their officers

IG II2 900 c - Decree

IG II2 901 - Catalogue of ephebes

IG II2 902 - Honours for the prytany of Attalis

IG II2 903 - Honours for a merchant

IG II2 904 - Citizenship decree for Klearchos

IG II2 905 - Honours for Philetairos, brother of king Eumenes II

IG II2 906 - Decree concerning grain supply

IG II2 908 - Proxeny decree for Nikeratos of Alexandria

IG II2 909 - Proxeny decree for Timarchos of Salamis

IG II2 910 - Honours for the prytany of Antiochis

IG II2 911 - Decree

IG II2 912 - Honours for the prytany of Antigonis

IG II2 913 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

IG II2 914 - Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis

IG II2 915 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis

IG II2 916 - Honours for the prytany of Ptolemais, 192/1 BC

IG II2 917 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis

IG II2 918 - Honours for the prytany of Leontis

IG II2 919 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis

IG II2 920 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

IG II2 922 - Citizenship decree for Hikesios of Ephesos

IG II2 923 - Citizenship decree

IG II2 925 - Citizenship decree

IG II2 927 - Honours for -ios son of Androkydes of Berenikidai

IG II2 928 - Honours for the priestess of Athena Polias

IG II2 929 - Honours for an archon

IG II2 931 - Honours for an official (doctor? ephebic?)