OR 173 - Honours for Pythophanes
OR 174 - Payments from the treasury of Athena, 411/0 BC
OR 177B - Restoration to Thasians of proxeny destroyed by Thirty
OR 178 - Support for orphans of men killed under the oligarchy, ca. 410 BC?
OR 179 - Gravestone of Myrrhine, first priestess of Athena Nike
OR 180 - Payments from the treasury of Athena, 410/9 BC
OR 181A - Erechtheion building accounts, 409/8 BC
OR 181B - Erechtheion building accounts, 408/7 BC
OR 182 - Honours for Thrasyboulos [of Kalydon] and associates, 410/9 BC
OR 183A - Decree to republish Draco’s law on homicide
OR 183B - Laws about the Council of 500
OR 184 - Decree for Oiniades of (Palai)skiathos
OR 185 - Ratification of Alcibiades’ treaty with Selymbria
OR 186 - Ratification of a treaty with the Klazomenians at Daphnous
OR 187 - Decrees honouring Neapolis in Thrace, 410/9 and ca. 407 BC
OR 188 - Honours for Archelaos, king of Macedon, 407/6 BC (?)
OR 189 - Decree concerning Carthage
OR 190 - List of crew of Athenian triremes
OR 191 (decree 1) - Honours for the Samians, 405/4 and 403/2 BC