Support for orphans of men killed under the oligarchy, ca. 410 BC?

AIO 1049 Date: ca. 410 BC?
The Council and People decided.[1] AntiochisX was the prytany; -s was secretary; Kallisthenes was chairman. Theozotides proposed:[2] as many Athenians as died a violent 5 death[3] in the oligarchy while supporting the democracy, to the [children][4] of these, because of the benefaction of their fathers towards the Athenian People and their manly virtue,[5] to give to the children of [all?] these 10 an obol a day [maintenance like that which?] they give to the orphans . . . the city hall . . . them . . . take care . . . . . . 15 let him or it scrutinise them . . . give them (?) . . . just as [to the war orphans] the Greek treasurers . . . just as the orphans . . . 20 of the Athenians . . . . . . and . . . it or him or them . . . . . . . . . Illegible, probably a list of names, occupying max. 126 lines across 6 columns
Inscribed on left side of stele[6] Kleoboulos 25 son of Androkles, Androkles son of Androkles,[7] (both) of Aphidna. Uninscribed space Lysanias 30 son of Olympichos, Hippon son of Olympichos, (both) of Kydathenaion; 35 Athenaios son of Philonautes of Alopeke; 40 Charikles son of Chairedemos, Chairedemos 45 son of Chairedemos (both) of Kol[onai?].