Decree honouring Sthorys of Thasos, 394/3 BC
AIO 1240 Date: 394/3 BC
Decree 1 The Council decided.[1] Aigeis was in prytany. Aristokrates
was secretary (394/3). Ameipsias was chairman. -
proposed: to praise Sthorys[2] [the seer? because he is keen] to do whatever good he can . . . 5 the city of the Athenians. . . . since his ancestors were [proxenoi and] benefactors of the city of the Athenians, and the
Athenians made [him] a citizen, the secretary
of the Council [shall inscribe] . . . 10 what the People have voted [about Sthorys on two stone stelai] on the acropolis and in the Pythion;[3] and to invite Sthorys also to dinner
tomorrow in the city hall
End of decree 1 or beginning of decree 2 Aristokrates son of Aischines of Kephale was secretary.
Euboulides of Eleusis was archon (394/3). In the prytany
15 [of Aigeis].
At least 3 lines uninscribed
Decree 2 20 . . . . . . proposed:
. . . voted
. . . and the
. . . since previously
25 . . . for the Athenians
[and] because he predicted (?) . . . what happened (?) concerning the
sea battle [divining from?] the inaugural sacrifices . . . and in other respects is a good man
concerning [the city] of the Athenians, and his ancestors
30 before him, and he shall be an Athenian; and he shall be enrolled
in the tribe and deme that he wishes; and
the generals there shall pay him his salary,
the same as he received last year; and the secretary of the Council
shall inscribe this decree at the expense of Sthorys
35 on a stone stele where the previous decrees for him
have been inscribed; and if anyone makes these things invalid, he shall owe
a thousand drachmas, sacred to Athena and another
thousand to Apollo Pythios;[3] and these things shall also apply to the
descendants of Sthorys; and to invite him to dinner
40 in the city hall tomorrow.