Honours for the prytany treasurer of Oineis, 57/6 or 53/2 BC

Agora XV 268 Date: 57/6 BC or 53/2 BC
Since the prytaneis of Oineis [and those with perpetual dining rights (aeisitoi) in the archonship of Diokles (57/6 BC) or Diodoros (53/2 BC) ] declare to the Council that [the treasurer,[1] whom the prytaneis chose from among themselves], Neikanor son of Artemon [of Phyle, has made all the sacrifices] assigned to the prytaneis [on behalf of the Council and the People and] (5)has taken care [of everything else which was proper] well [and with love of honour (philotimōs)], and for this they call on [the Council to allow them] [to carry out the dedication of] a painted image of him [on a gilt shield in] the Council chamber, [for good fortune, the Council shall decide] to praise the treasurer [whom the prytaneis chose from among themselves, Neikanor] (10)son of Artemon of Phyle, [and to crown him with a foliage] crown, with which it is traditional [to crown good men], and also to allow [the prytaneis and those with perpetual dining rights] to carry out [the dedication of an image (eikonos)] of him [in the Council chamber], bearing [this] inscription: ["The prytaneis of Oineis and] (15)those with perpetual dining rights in the archonship of Dio[kles (57/6 BC)] or Dio[doros (53/2 BC)] dedicated (this image of) [the treasurer Neikanor] son of Artemon of Phyle [on account of his love of honour and good will towards] them," [and the secretary] of the prytany [shall inscribe this decree] [on a stone stele and stand it in] the Council chamber [so that, when these things are completed, the Council may be seen] (20) to honour . . .