Honours for king Eumenes II and his brothers

IG II3 1 1323 Date: Shortly after 175 BC
Fragment a
. . . since king Eumenes . . .
Fragment b
. . . . . . being 5 . . . love his younger or his younger [brother], Phile[tairos?] . . . . . . from his father[1] . . . making his way of life[2] . . . for political union , by which he wished (?) . . . and the - of the fifth brother[3] 10 . . . when Seleukos had passed away[4] and circumstances invited it, observing that they provided an opportunity for laying a store of gratitude and benefaction, and having arranged all the other incidentals, and deploying themselves, 15 accompanying him up to the borders of his own kingdom and having supported him with money and having supplied forces and having adorned him with a diadem along with the other accoutrements, as was appropriate, and having offered sacrifice and having made 20 assurances of good faith towards each other with every good will and affection, in a remarkable way they joined in restoring king Antiochos to his ancestral rule. In order, therefore, that the People may be seen to be the first to render thanks and be manifest in honouring those who volunteer to do good deeds towards itself 25 and its friends, and raise up beautiful deeds to eternal memory, now just as before, for good fortune, the Council shall decide, that the presiding committee allotted for the forthcoming Assembly shall put these matters on the agenda, and submit the opinion 30 of the Council to the People, that it seems good to the Council to praise king Eumenes son of king Attalos and of queen Apollonis and to crown him with a gold crown as a prize for excellence in accordance with the law for the excellence and good will and nobility, which he displayed 35 to all mankind, having exerted himself on behalf of king Antiochos and having restored him to the rule of his ancestors; and on the same basis to crown Attalos, because he acted together with his brother Eumenes in everything without hesitation and with love of danger; and to praise also their brothers, 40 Philetairos[5] and Athenaios, and crown each of them with a gold crown for the good will and love of honour which they displayed at the return of king Antiochos; and to praise also their parents, king Attalos and queen 45 Apollonis, and to crown them with a gold crown as a prize for excellence for the excellence and nobility which they imparted on their sons, having managed their education well and sensibly; and to announce these crowns at the competitions [which the city puts on?] 50 and similarly at the ones which king Eumenes organises with his brothers and the Pergamene People; and on the same basis also at the ones which king Antiochos will organise at Daphne, as is their custom; and in order that there may also remain a visible memorial for time eternal, to inscribe this decree on stone 55 stelai and stand the one in the agora by the statues of king Antiochos, the other in the sanctuary of Athena Nikephoros, and the other in the sanctuary of Apollo at Daphne;[6] and the generals shall take care of the despatch of the decree to the king and his mother and brothers, 60 so that this takes place with care and as fast as possible.