Athenian relations with Chalkis

IG I3 40 Date: 446/5 (or 424/3?) BC
The Council and People decided. AntiochisX 2 was the prytany. Drakontides was chairman.[1]
Decree 1[2] 2 Diognetos proposed: The Athenian Council and jurors shall swear an oath in the following terms: ‘I shall not expel the Chalkidians 5 from Chalkis, nor shall I lay waste the city, nor shall I deprive any individual of civic rights nor punish any with exile nor take any prisoner, nor execute any, nor confiscate the money of anyone not condemned in court, without the authority of the Athenian 10 People; and whenever I am a prytany member I shall not put anything prejudicial to the interests of an individual or the community to the vote without due notice, and any embassy that is sent I shall bring before the Council and People within ten days,[3] as far as is possible; and I shall 15 maintain this while the Chalkidians obey the Athenian People.’ An embassy is to come from Chalkis and administer the oath to the Athenians with the commissioners for oaths and list the names of those who have sworn; and the generals shall take care that all 20 take the oath. The Chalkidians shall swear an oath in the following terms: ‘I shall not revolt from the People of Athens by any means or device whatsoever, neither in word nor in deed, nor shall I obey anyone who does revolt; 25 and if anyone revolts I shall denounce him to the Athenians, and I shall pay to the Athenians whatever tribute I persuade them to agree, and I shall be the best and fairest ally I am able to be and shall help and defend the Athenian 30 People, in the event of anyone wronging the Athenian People, and I shall obey the Athenian People’.[4] All the Chalkidians of military age shall swear; and if anyone does not swear he is to be deprived of his civic rights and his property is to be made public and 35 a tithe of it dedicated to Olympian Zeus. An embassy shall go from Athens to Chalkis with the commissioners for oaths and administer the oath in Chalkis and list those of the Chalkidians who have sworn. Uninscribed space
Decree 2 40 Antikles proposed: for the good fortune of the Athenians, the Athenians and Chalkidians shall make the oath just as the Athenian people voted for the Eretrians, and the generals shall take care that this happens as quickly as possible. 45 As soon as possible the People shall choose five men to go to Chalkis to exact the oaths. And on the matter of hostages, they shall reply to the Chalkidians that for the moment the Athenians have decided to leave matters as they have been voted; 50 but when it seems good to them, they will deliberate and make a reconciliation or exchange on terms which seem suitable for the Athenians and the Chalkidians;[5] and the foreigners in Chalkis — except those living there who pay no taxes to Athens, and anyone who has been given 55 tax exemption by the Athenian People — the rest shall pay taxes to Chalkis, just like other Chalkidians;[6] and the secretary of the Council shall write up this decree and oath at Athens on a stone stele and set it down 60 on the acropolis at the expense of the Chalkidians; and let the Council of the Chalkidians write it up and set it down in Chalkis in the sanctuary of Zeus Olympios. These things shall be voted about the Chalkidians. Uninscribed space And as for the sacrifices 65 for Euboea required or required about Euboea by the oracle, three men chosen by the Council from their own number shall perform them as quickly as possible with Hierokles;[7] and so that the sacrifices may take place as quickly as possible the generals shall jointly take care of them and provide the money for them.
Decree 3 70 Archestratos proposed: in other respects as Antikles proposed, but the Chalkidians shall hold officials to account[8] on their own behalf in Chalkis, just as the Athenians do at Athens, except where a penalty of exile, execution, or loss of civic rights is involved; and on these matters there shall be appeal 75 to Athens to the court of the court presidents in accordance with the decree of the People; and as to the guarding of Euboea, the generals shall take care of that as best they can in the best interests of the Athenians.
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