Sacrificial calendar of Thorikos
AIO 847 Date: Ca. 440-400 BC (?)Face A (front)
. . . Hekatombaion:[2] . . . and for the
. . . to provide lunch . . . a drachma each
5 . . . the Proerosia offering (?) ,
. . . the Delphinion,[3] a goat
. . . for Hekate
. . . _[7] . . . a full-grown victim , to be sold .[6] 10 [Metageitnion]: for Zeus Kataibates in the
sacred enclosure[3] a full-grown victim , to be sold .[6] by the [Delphini?]on, _ An oath victim[8] is to be provided for the audits . Boedromion: the Proerosia;[5] for Zeus Polieus,
a select[4] sheep, a select piglet; at Automenai (?) , 15 a bought piglet, burnt whole ;[9] the priest[10] is to
provide lunch for the attendant ; for Kephalos,
a select sheep; for Prokris, a table;[11] for Thorikos, a select sheep; for the Heroines of Thorikos,
a table;[12] at Sounion, for Poseidon a select lamb ;
20 for Apollo, a select young billy goat ;
for Kourotrophos,[13] a select piglet; for Demeter, a full-grown victim;[15] for Zeus Herkeios, a full-grown victim; for Kourotrophos,[13] a piglet;
⟦for Athena, a sheep, to be sold[14] at the salt-pan , for Poseidon,
⟧; _ a full-grown victim; for Apollo, a piglet.
25 Pyanopsion: for Zeus Kataibates, at [Philom]elidai,[4] a full-grown victim, to be sold , on the six[teen]th;
_ for Young Man[5] [to be sold or boiled seed mix ].
, a full-grown victim, at the Pyanopsia, Maimakterion: for Thorikos, a bovine of no less
than forty, and up to fifty drachmas;
30 _ for the Heroines of Thorikos, a table.
_ Posideon: the Dionysia.[15] _ Gamelion: for Hera, at the Sacred Marriage[5] . . . , Anthesterion: for Dionysos, on the twelfth,
a goat, lacking age-marking teeth[16] , tawny or black; 35 _ at the Diasia,[5] for Zeus Meilichios, a sheep, to be sold ;[6] Elaphebolion: for the Herakleidai, a full-grown victim,
for Alkmene, a full-grown victim; for the Anakes, a full-grown victim;
for [Helen?], a full-grown victim;[17] for Demeter, the Chloia offering , a select sheep,
_ pregnant;[18] for Zeus, a select lamb .
40 Mounichion: for Artemis [at?] Mounichia, a full-grown victim;[5] at (the sanctuary) of Pythian Apollo,[3] a triple offering ,
for Kourotrophos,[13] a piglet; for Leto, a goat; for Artemis,
a goat; for Apollo, a goat, lacking age-marking teeth ;
for Demeter, a sheep, pregnant, as the Antheia offering[18] for Philonis,[19] ; 45 a table;[12] for Dionysos, at Mykenos or Mykenon,[4] a he-goat,
_ tawny or black.
Thargelion: for Zeus, at Automenai (?)[4] a select
, lamb[19] a sheep; for the Heroines of Hyperpedios,
; for “Over-the-Plain” , a table; for Nisos,[19] a sheep; for Thras-,
50 a sheep; for Sosineos,[19] a sheep; for Rhogios,[19] a sheep; for Gate-holder ,[19] _ a piglet; for the Heroines of Pylochos, a table.
Skirophorion: an oath victim[8] is to be provided; at the Plynteria,[5] for Athena, a select sheep; for
Aglauros, a sheep; for Athena, a select lamb ; for Kephalos,
55 a bovine of no less than forty
and up to fifty drachmas; for P[rokris],
a sheep, 20 dr. (?) ; the auditor and his deputies are to swear ,
'I shall audit the office that was allotted to me for auditing
in accordance with the decrees by which the office [has been established?]';
60 oaths shall be to Zeus, Apollo, Demeter,
calling down utter destruction; and his deputies
in the same way; to inscribe the oath
on a stele and set it up [by the -]ion.
All offices for which officials are elected [or allotted] 65 shall be subject to audits .
Face B (right)
Face C (left)
at the level of l. 31 for Apollo, a full-grown victim at the
between the level of ll. 31-32 Pyanopsia;
at the level of l. 42 for Zeus Herkeios, a sheep;
at the level of l. 58 for the Heroines of Koroneia, a sheep;