Decree making arrangements for Ioulis on Keos, 363/2 BC

RO 39 Date: 363/2 BC
Gods.[1] In the archonship of Charikleides (363/2). AiantisIX was in prytany. Nikostratos of Pallene was secretary. Philittios of Boutadai was chairman. The Council and the People decided. Aristophon 5 proposed: since the Ioulietans whom the Athenians restored show that the city of Ioulis owes to the city of Athens three talents of the money calculated in accordance with the decree of the Athenian People which Menexenos proposed, the People shall decide: that the Ioulietans shall pay to the Athenians 10 this money in the month Skirophorion in the archonship of Charikleides (363/2). If they do not pay it in the time stated, it shall be exacted from them by those chosen by the People to exact the amounts owed by the islanders, in whatever way they know, and there shall join with them 15 in exacting also the generals of the Ioulietans, Echetimos and Nikoleos and Satyros and Glaukon and Herakleides. And so that the oaths and the agreement which were made by Chabrias the general, and which he swore to the Keans on behalf of the Athenians and of the Keans whom the Athenians restored, shall be given effect, 20 the generals of the Ioulietans who are specified in the decree to join in exacting the money shall inscribe them on a stone stele and place them in the sanctuary of Pythian Apollo, as they have been inscribed in Karthaia; and the secretary of the Council shall inscribe them on a stele in the same way and 25 put them on the acropolis; and for the inscribing the treasurer of the People shall give 20 drachmas from the fund for expenditure on decrees. And since those of the Ioulietans who broke the oaths and the agreement and made war against the People of Athens and the Keans and the other allies, 30 and, after they had been condemned to death, returned to Keos, threw out the stelai on which was inscribed the agreement with the Athenians and the names of those who broke the oaths and the agreement,[2] and of the friends of the Athenians whom the People restored they killed some and 35 condemned others to death and confiscated their possessions contrary to the oaths and the agreement (being Satyrides and Timoxenos and Miltiades), because they spoke against Antipatros when the Council of Athens condemned him to death[3] for killing the proxenos of the Athenians Aision[4] contrary to the decrees of the 40 People of Athens and contrary to the oaths and the agreement - they shall be exiled from Keos and Athens and their property shall be public property of the People of Ioulis; and the generals of the Ioulietans who are visiting Athens shall register their names forthwith in the presence of the People with the 45 secretary; and if any of those who are registered dispute that they are among these men, they shall be permitted to appoint guarantors for the generals of the Ioulietans that they will submit to trial within thirty days in accordance with the oaths and the agreement, in Keos and in Athens as the city of appeal. 50 Satyrides and Timoxenos and Miltiades shall return to Keos and their own property. Praise those of the Ioulietans who have come, Demetrios, Herakleides, Echetimos, Kalliphantos; praise also Satyrides and Timoxenos and Miltiades; praise also the city of Karthaia and Aglokritos; 55 and invite them to hospitality in the city hall tomorrow. This was agreed and sworn by the Athenian generals with the cities in Keos and by the allies: 'I shall not harbour grudges for what is past against any of the Keans or kill 60 any of the Keans, nor shall I make an exile any of those who abide by these oaths and this agreement, and I shall bring them into the alliance like the other allies. But if anybody commits an act of revolution in Keos contrary to the oaths and the agreement, I shall not allow him by any craft or contrivance as far as possible. If anybody 65 [does not wish] to live in Keos, I shall allow him to live wherever he wishes in the [allied] cities and to enjoy his own property. In these matters [I shall adhere steadfastly to my oath], by Zeus, by Athena, by Poseidon, [by Demeter]: to him who keeps the oath there shall be much good, but to him who breaks the oath evil.' Oaths and agreement of the cities in Keos towards 70 the Athenians and the allies and those of the Keans whom the Athenians restored: '[I shall be an ally of the Athenians] and the allies, and I shall not [defect from the Athenians] and the allies myself [nor permit anybody else to do so as far as possible]. I shall make all private and [public lawsuits against Athenians] subject to appeal 75 [in accordance with the agreement, as many as are for more than] a hundred drachmas. [If anybody dares to wrong those of the Keans who have returned] or the Athenians [or any of the allies, contrary to the oaths and] the agreement, [I shall not allow him by] any [craft or contrivance], but I shall lend support [with all my strength as far as possible]. In this I shall adhere steadfastly to my oath, 80 [by Zeus, by Athena, by Poseidon], by Demeter: to him who keeps [the oath there shall be much good, but to him who breaks the oath] evil.' [This was sworn by those of the Keans whom the Athenians restored: 'I shall not] harbour grudges [for anything in the past, and I shall not kill] any of the Keans . . . ' . . . . . .