Dedication by [arbitrators], 330/29 BC

IG II3 4 33 Date: 330/29 BC
Across the top of both plaques [The arbitrators] of the archonship of Aristophon (330/29) [dedicated (this), having been adjudged by the People to have arbitrated well and justly?][1]
Plaque A (LEFT)
col. 1
Erechtheis [Theox]enos of Euonymon 5 Charinos of Kephisia Charikleides of - Unknown number of lines missing 9-21 12 lines traces
col. 2
Aigeis Aristomedes of Kollytos 25 Hypereides of Kollytos[2] Charidemos of Halai Unknown number of lines missing Nikeratos 30 of Philaidai Chairippos of Halai Thoukydides of Ikarion 35 Alkimachos of Myrrhinoutta Nikeratos of Kydantidai[3] Amphiktyon 40 of Diomeia Pythodelos of Kollytos
col. 3
Pandionis Charidemos 45 of Paiania Sosigenes Unknown number of lines missing Lysand- of P[rasiai] or P[aiania] Cha- 50 of Paiania Archias of Paiania Phokides of Steiria 55 Ktesiphon of Paiania[4] Telesias of Probalinthos Menites 60 of Kydathenaion
col. 4
Leontis Nikias son of Ni[k-] of Phrearrhioi Unknown number of lines missing 65 Theokrines of Hybadai[5] -ilochos of Skambonidai Epikrates 70 of Aithalidai Dieuches of Phrearrhioi Glauketes of Oion[6] 75 Chairephanes of Deiradiotai
col. 5
[Akamantis] Unknown number of lines missing of Sphettos Demonikos 80 of Hagnous Xenokles of Cholargos Phokos of Iphistiadai 85 Prokleides of Kerameis Philon of Prospalta Kephisophon 90 of Cholargos Mnesitheos of Sphettos
Plaque B (RIGHT)
col. 6
[Oineis] missing
col. 7
[Kekropis] Unknown number of lines missing of Melite Lykourgos of Melite Kephisodoros 100 of Phlya Agathokles of Xypete Kephisodoros of - . . .
col. 8
105 [Hippothontis] Unknown number of lines missing of Oion Arist- of Azenia Moirokles 110 of Eleusis[7] Metagenes of Koile Nikodemos of Elaious . . .
col. 9
[Aiantis] missing
col. 10
[Antiochis] missing