Lease of an estate by the deme Prasiai
AIO 2880 Date: Mid-4th cent. BC
Gods[1] On these terms the deme of the Prasieis leased
the Theodoreion estate
to Kirrias son of Poseidippos (5)of Prasiai every year free of tax (ateles) and not liable to assessment for the property-based tax (eisphoras) or any other tax for
all time, to himself and his descendants
while they pay the rent; and Kirrias and his
(10)descendants shall pay the rent
to the Prasieis, half
in the month of Metageitnion
[on the sixth?], half
in the month of [Mounichion?]; and it shall not
(15)be possible for the Prasieis to deprive Kirrias of the lease while he pays
[the money or the rent] each year, or [the Prasieis?] [shall be liable] ...
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