List of names, prytany Akamantis, 338/7 BC

Agora XV 39 Date: 338/7 BC
[Prospalta?][1] - son of -nos - son of Chairestratos - son of Theophantos (5) -s son of Lysanias -peithes son of Archinos Thorikos Smikythos son of Epiteles Thoukritides son of Kallias (10) Dionysios son of Kalliades Oiax son of Pedalion Eukleides son of Euthias Antigenes son of Xenonides Poros (15) Mnesikles son of Pythokles Thrason son of Nikostratos -ratos son of Melanopos [Secretary of the Council (grammateus tēs boulēs) or Prytany secretary (grammateus kata prutaneian):] Philippos son of Antiphemos of Eiresidai. crown[2]