Decree of Halai Aixonides honouring the deme treasurers, 338/7 BC

SEG 59.142 Date: 338/7 BC
Gods. Anaschetos proposed: since the treasurers of the archonship of Chairondas (338/7) managed the treasury well and justly for the demesmen, 5 and made the sacrifices to all the gods and heroes, and took care of everything else which the demesmen required of them, and having achieved a surplus from the revenue, have deposited [with the] 10 [demesmen] 388 dr.; the demesmen shall resolve to praise them for their justice and excellence towards the demesmen, and crown them with a foliage crown, Kephiso- 15 son of - , [Phyt?]ios son of Polyeuches, A- . . . and to announce the crown . . . . . . [1]