302 Results for "Eleusis"
Displaying 31 - 60
31.Decree of Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis, Panakton, and Phyle honouring Theophrastos
I Eleusis 207 Date: ca. 216 BC
The Athenians stationed at Eleusis and
Panakton and Phyle decided; since Theophrastos continues
to be well ...
Decree of Athenian soldiers based at Eleusis, Panakton and Phyle, honouring Demetrios [of Phaleron the Younger]
I Eleusis 194 Date: ca. 245 BC... - for the countryside around Eleusis
he managed both the defence of the guard-posts ...
... he continued ...
(15) ... countryside ...
Dedication from Eleusis honouring Demetrios of Phaleron the Younger
IG II3 4 281 Date: 245-240 BC
The Athenians stationed by the People
in Eleusis and Panakton and at (epi) Phyle,
having crowned the general Demetrios son of Pha...
The Eleusinians and Athenian soldiers at Eleusis honour King Antigonos
I Eleusis 193 Date: Ca. 261-239 BC... and the Athenians stationed at Eleusis
shall decide: since Antigonos
(5) the king on arriving in Eleusis
well and with love of honour (...
Decree of Eleusis
I Eleusis 74 Date: After mid-iv BC...
The demesmen of Eleusis decided.
-thes son of Nausistratos of Eleusis proposed:
Decree of deme Eleusis and Athenians residing there honouring [a general?]
I Eleusis 191 Date: ca. 286/5-238/7 BC...
who reside at Eleusis give thanks
to those who display love of honour (philotimoumenois) towards them,
for good fortune, the Eleu...
Decrees of Eleusis relating to leasing of quarries
I Eleusis 85 Date: 332/1 BC... Philokomos son of Philanthides of Eleusis proposed: for the good
fortune of the demesmen, so that the income for Herakles in Akris
Decree of Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis, Panakton, and Phyle
I Eleusis 205 Date: 224/3-188/7 BC
The Athenians stationed at Eleusis and Panakton and Phyle decided. Since -
son of -nymos of Iphistiadai is a good man concerning ... and as r...
Ephebic dedication commemorating victory "at Eleusis", 158/9 AD
AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 7 Date: 158/9 AD... Athenaios son of Spendon of Eleusis (dedicated)
for the ephebes (this image of) Herakles, from the victory at Eleusis
Decree of [Eumolpidai] honouring Aristokles of Perithoidai, the hierophant
I Eleusis 234 Date: ca. 149/8 BC?
(I Eleusis 233)
In the archonship of Lysiades ((ca. 149/8)), on the sixteenth of Pyanopsion
by divine reckoning (kata theon), but t...
Catalogue of ephebes, 191/2 AD (?)
IG II2 2119 Date: AD 189/90 – 191/2...
Antinoeia at Eleusis:
Peisandros (son of Peisandros) of Gargettos
Stephanos (son of Stephanos) of Myrrhinoutta.
(15) ...
Letter from Hadrian banning on-selling
IG II2 1103 Date: 120s-130s AD... but for the fishermen at Eleusis there shall be or is a tax-exemption (ateleia) on fish whenever
they sell them in the Agora at Eleusis, so that th...
Dedication by the eponymous archon of 394/3 BC, his deputy (paredros) and secretary
IG II3 4 42 Date: 394/3 BC... Euboulides son of Epikleides of Eleusis ((394/3))
Deputy (paredros):
Diktys son of Epikleides of Eleusis.
Prokles son of ...
List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Meyer, Metics, no. 20 Date: ca. 336/5 - 322/1 BC... - son of Euxippos of Eleusis;
libation bowl (phiale), weight: 100 drachmas.
(30) - living in Keiriadai, acquitted (apophug-) in...
The ephebes honour the superintendent, 201/2 AD
IG II2 2193 Date: AD 201/2... Rufus son of Rufus of Eleusis.
Gymnasiarch for the whole year: Marcus Julius Pius Papirianus
Asklepiades Eurytidas Julius of Thorikos a...
Public subscription for the preservation of the city and the protection of the countryside
IG II3 1 1011 Date: 248/7 BC... Phlya
Thrasyllos of Eleusis
(80) Lysiades from Oion
Lysimachos of Oinoe
List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Meyer, Metics, nos. 2-9 Date: ca. 336/5 - 322/1 BC...
of Eleusis and the friendly society (kai koino eraniston)
led by Theophrastos
son of Bathyllos of Cholargos; libation bowl, weight: ...
Three decrees honouring ephebes and their superintendent, 79/8 BC
AIO 1798 Date: 79/8 BC... hoplо̄i) in the sanctuary at Eleusis and to inscribe on it: “Those who were ephebes in the year
of the archonship of Apollodoros ((80/79)) (...
Honours for the managers of the Mysteries
IG II3 1 1164 Date: 214/3 BC... the reception of Iakchos at Eleusis, and likewise
the Mysteries that took place by Agrai
twice in the year because of the celebration
List of crew of Athenian triremes
IG I3 1032 Date: Ca. 410-400 BC ?...
(65) -s of Eleusis
- of Marathon
- of Kollytos
- of Anaphlystos
(Lines missing)
(70) -chos
Honours for the ephebes of 197/6 and their officers
IG II3 1 1256 Date: 196/5 BC... and at the Proerosia at Eleusis
(15) they lifted (eranto) the bovines, and joined in undertaking (sunantelabonto) the cleaning up (anakatha...
Honours for religious officials
IG II3 1 369 Date: 325/4 BC... Timokrates son of Philinos of Eleusis (VIII)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (IX)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...
Decree [of soldiers at Eleusis] honouring a general
I Eleusis 187 Date: ca. 255-250 BC...
(5)countryside around Eleusis, took charge
of the soldiers (ton stratioton) in the fort,
and he considered also the other things which
Decree of [deme Eleusis and?] soldiers stationed there (?) honouring [Philok]omos
I Eleusis 185 Date: ca. 260-235 BC... ... Philokomos of Eleusis ...
Sacrificial calendar from Eleusis
I Eleusis 175 Date: ca. 330 BC...
priestesses from Eleusis
at the all-night revel
to provide libations and
barley cakes ...
(20) (one line erased)
to the underg...
Honorific decree of the Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis, Panakton, and Phyle, and those in the open country (hypaithroi)
I Eleusis 198 Date: 229/8 - ca. 203 BC...
The Athenians stationed at Eleusis and Panakton
and Phyle and those in the open country (hupaithrois) decided: ...
... all the other things ...
(5) ...
... prepar...
Dedication by soldiers at Eleusis
IG II3 4 283 Date: iii-ii BC...
The Athenians stationed in Eleusis ...
Bench dedicated by [the general], Archandros of Eleusis
IG II3 4 294 Date: mid-iii BC... Archandros son of Kallippos of Eleusis ...
Regulations concerning the Eleusinian Mysteries
AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 1 Date: Ca. 475-450 BC... initiates who are initiated at Eleusis
in the courtyard (aulei) within the
(45) sanctuary, and those who are initiated
in the city in the Eleusinion.
(Added a ...
Agreement regarding Salamis
AIO 2662 Date: 9 BC – ca. 75 AD, probably 40s AD...
Eleusis for sale and whatever else the People of the
(40)Athenians gave them. And if anyone should amend this agreement, he shall be li...