88 Results for "Aphidna"
Displaying 1 - 30
1.Accounts of 1% tax on property transactions (Rationes Centesimarum)
Rationes, Stele 2 Date: Ca. 340-325 BC... son of - of Aphidna
(5) sold an outlying estate at Aphidna in Hyporeia
Buyer: - son of Polykrates of Aphidna: 50 dr.
Payments from the treasury of Athena, 410/9 BC
IG I3 375 Date: 410/9 BC...
(25) of Aphidna and his fellow officials, 1,534 dr. 3 ob.; on the twenty-fourth of the prytany, to the hellenotamiai Eupolis
of Aphidna a...
List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Meyer, Metics, nos. 2-9 Date: ca. 336/5 - 322/1 BC...
of Aphidna; libation bowl, weight: 100 drachmas.
Dionysios living in Skambonidai,
farmer (georgo), acquitted i...
Dedication by the Council and decree
IG II3 1 360 Date: 328/7 BC...
(5) Euthykrates of Aphidna
Chairestratos of Rhamnous
Oulias of Steiria
Phalanthos of Kerameis
Eukrates of Lamptrai
(10) Lykourgos of Meli...
Inventory of the Pronaos, 426/5-423/2 BC and 414/3-411/0 BC
AIUK 4.4 (BM, Accounts) no. 3 Date: 426/5-423/2 BC; 414/3-411/0 BC... Leukaios son of Komarchos of Aphidna was secretary ((Board of 413/2)):
(5)in the pronaos: a golden libation bowl from which lustrations are mad...
Lease of buildings in Piraeus by [the deme] Kytherros
IG II2 2496 Date: ca. 325-300 BC... Eukrates son of Exekias of Aphidna for 54 drachmas
each year, free of all taxes (ateles hapanton), on condition that he pays
30 i...
Honours for the prytany of Ptolemais, 192/1 BC
AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 15 Date: 192/1 BC...
Androkles of Aphidna (V) , and the secretary of the Council
and the People, Antimachos son of Ar- of - ,
and the under-secretar...
Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis
IG II3 1 1321 Date: 176/5-174/3 BC...
son of Aristokrates of Aphidna, and the herald of the Council and the People, Eukles son of Eukles
of Berenikidai, and the pipe-player, Kal...
Dedication by an ephebe (?) victor at the Epitaphia
IG II3 4 385 Date: after ca. 50 BC...
Aphidna, but by birth of
Oinophilos of Aphidna.
Four decrees honouring ephebes and their superintendent, 37/6 or 36/5 BC
AIO 1838 Date: 37/6 or 36/5 BC... Phaidrias son of Euandros of Aphidna
Bakchios (son of Bakchios) of Aphidna
(140) Of Akamantis (VI)
Polystratos (son of Polystra...
Catalogue of ephebes, 61/2 AD
IG II2 1990 Date: 61/2 AD... Sokrates son of Sokrates of Aphidna, Tiberius Herakleon of Oion,
... son of ... of Melite, Zoilos son of Thraseos of Aphidna.
Honours for the prytany of Pandionis
IG II3 1 1155 Date: 219/8 BC... Chares son of Eucharistos of Aphidna proposed: concerning what
the prytany of Pandionis (VI) reports about the sacrifices
which th...
Honours for the ephebes of 177/6 and their officers
IG II3 1 1313 Date: 176/5 and 175/4 BC...
son of Nikomachos of Aphidna, and their archery trainer (toxoten), Sosos son of Proxenos of Sphettos, and their
(55) artillery officer (kat...
Military dedication (by hypaithroi) from Panakton
Munn, Inscriptions from Panakton 324-30, no. 5 Date: 255-200 BC... (10) ... of Aphidna
... of Cholargos
... of -nidai
... of Phyle
... of Thebes
(15) ... of Aphidna
Honours for priests and religious officials
IG II3 1 416 Date: Ca. 340-330 BC... Auridai (VIII) , Epikrates of Aphidna (IX) , Philostratos of Pallene (X) ,
for their excellence and justice towards the Athenian Council and...
Public subscription for the preservation of the city and the protection of the countryside
IG II3 1 1011 Date: 248/7 BC... Macedon
-on of Aphidna
(50) Telegnotos from Alopeke
Eumachos son of Sokrates
of Eupyridai
Philiskos of Pambotadai
List of names, Council, 335/4 BC
Agora XV 43 Date: 335/4 BC... Diophon son of Diophantos of Aphidna.
Catalogue of ephebes, 13/12 BC
AIO 2112 Date: 13/12 BC... -on son of Dromotheos of Aphidna
(60) ... son of Sophron of Berenikidai
Akamantis (VI)
... of Sphettos
(65) ...
Honours for Euenor of Akarnania
IG II3 1 324 Date: 337/6 and 322/1 BC... (proedron)
Euthykrates of Aphidna was putting to the vote. Diophantos son of Phrasikleides
of Myrrhinous proposed: since Euenor
of Argos ...
(10) ...
Concerning dedications in the sanctuary of Asklepios
IG II3 1 1010 Date: 248/7 BC... cup, priest of Xenokritos of Aphidna (XI) from the models 29 dr.; another drinking cup, priest Lykomedes from Konthyle (V) from the models 34 dr.;
... priest - of Sou...
Honours for prytany of Antiochis
IG II3 1 1024 Date: 238/7 BC... Epichares son of Eudemos of Aphidna (XI) was secretary.
On the - of Boedromion, the twenty- (- kai eikostei) of the
(5) prytany. Assembly. Of the presiding com...
List of crew of Athenian triremes
IG I3 1032 Date: Ca. 410-400 BC ?... Oion
- of Aphidna
(60) - of Sphettos
-s of Phaleron
-s of Kettos
(65) -s of Eleusis
- of Marathon
- of Kollytos
- of Anaph...
Dedication by the cavalry to Salamis
IG II3 4 323 Date: ca. 320 BC... Sokrates son of Eudramon of Aphidna
Aristoteles ... of Anagyrous
(In crown)
The People (crown)
(15) Theogenes
of Eleusis
Honours for the priestess of Aglauros
IG II3 1 1002 Date: 250/49 BC... Timokrite daughter of Polynikos of Aphidna
and to crown her with a foliage crown
for her piety towards the gods;
and the prytany secretary
(35) shall inscri...
Honours for the ephebes of 186/5 and their officers
IG II3 1 1285 Date: 185/4 BC... Nikomachos son of Nikomachos of Aphidna, and their physical trainer (paidotriben), Hermodoros son of Heortios of Acharnai, and their
artillery officer (katapaltapheten), Ped...
On the dedications to the Hero Doctor
IG II3 1 1154 Date: 220/19 BC...
Kydathenaion, Chares of Aphidna; as the public slave
Demetrios was elected.
In the sanctuary of the Hero Doctor, the items melted down
(55) for th...
Honours for the prytany of Kekropis
IG II3 1 1139 Date: 227/6 BC... Chares son of Eucharistos of Aphidna
proposed: about what the prytany
(10) of Kekropis (VII) report about the sacrifices which they made
before the Assemblies...
Athenian tribute list, 418/7 BC (?)
AIO 1172 Date: 418/7 BC (?)... for which - of Aphidna was first secretary, and Antiphon
of Skambonidai was archon for the Athenians ((418/7)), in the thirty-seventh
period of office the Greek ...
Payments for Athens’ war against Samos, 440-439 BC
AIO 1135 Date: 440-439 BC... ...
of Aphidna ... of Prasiai ...
≥ 908 talents.
Total of the whole: ...
≥ 1400 talents ...
Honours for the ephebes and officials
IG II3 1 1008 Date: 249/8 BC... Epichares son of Eudemos of Aphidna
(75) Antiochis (XII)
-os son of Hephaistion of -