Athens (Prytaneion): SEG 30.82 Honours for Marcus Ulpius Eubiotos and sons
Athens ([Prytanikon]): IG II3 1 900 Honours for the prytany of Antiochis
Athens ([Prytanikon]): IG II3 1 922 Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis
Athens ([Prytanikon]): IG II3 1 1029 Honours for the prytany of Pandionis
Athens ([Prytanikon]): IG II3 1 1030 Honours for the prytany of Leontis
Athens ([Prytanikon]): IG II3 1 887 Honours for a prytany
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 983 Honours for a prytany of Aigeis
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1162 Honours for the prytany of Aiantis
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1233 Honours for a prytany
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1225 Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1211 Honours for the prytany of [Aigeis]
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1197 Honours for the prytany of Kekropis
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1144 Honours for the prytany of Oineis
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1153 Honours for the prytany of Akamantis
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1168 Honours for the prytany of Leontis
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1024 Honours for prytany of Antiochis
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 971 Honours for a prytany
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 955 Honours for the prytany of Akamantis
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1234 Honours for a prytany
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1232 Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1231 Honours for the prytany of Antigonis
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1139 Honours for the prytany of Kekropis
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1177 Honours for the prytany of Oineis
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1165 Honours for the prytany of Antigonis
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1155 Honours for the prytany of Pandionis
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1152 Honours for the prytany of Aiantis
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1149 Honours for the prytany of Aiantis
Athens (Prytanikon): IG II3 1 1006 Honours for the prytany of Aiantis
Prytanikon: IG II3 1 1310 Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis