Fornara, Translated documents 15 - Decree to republish Draco’s law on homicide
Fornara, Translated documents 44B - Decree about the Athenian [Cleruchy] on Salamis
Fornara, Translated documents 51 - Funerary dedications from the Persian Wars
Fornara, Translated documents 68 - Athenian judicial relations with Phaselis
Fornara, Translated documents 71 - Athenian regulations for Erythrai
Fornara, Translated documents 75 - Regulations concerning the Eleusinian Mysteries
Fornara, Translated documents 78 - Memorial of war-dead (tribe Erechtheis), 460-459 BC
Fornara, Translated documents 81 - Reaffirmed alliance with Egesta, 418/7 BC
Fornara, Translated documents 82 - Dealings with the Delphian Amphiktyony
Fornara, Translated documents 85 - Athenian Tribute List, 454/3 BC
Fornara, Translated documents 90B - Accounts of Nemesis of Rhamnous
Fornara, Translated documents 93 - Decree about priestess and temple of Athena Nike
Fornara, Translated documents 97 - Decree enforcing use of Athenian coins, weights and measures
Fornara, Translated documents 98 - Decree about tribute of Delian League ("Kleinias' decree")
Fornara, Translated documents 100 - Foundation of colony at Brea
Fornara, Translated documents 101 - Funerary monument of Pythion of Megara
Fornara, Translated documents 102 - Decree relating to a place in Euboea?
Fornara, Translated documents 103 - Athenian relations with Chalkis
Fornara, Translated documents 113 - Payments for Athens’ war against Samos, 440-439 BC
Fornara, Translated documents 114A a - Accounts of Pheidias' statue of Athena
Fornara, Translated documents 114A b - Accounts of Pheidias' statue of Athena (abandoned version)
Fornara, Translated documents 114B - Accounts of Pheidias' statue of Athena (final summary account)
Fornara, Translated documents 115 - Treaty with Samos, 439 BC
Fornara, Translated documents 120 - Building accounts of Parthenon, 434/3 BC
Fornara, Translated documents 124 - Reaffirmed alliance with Rhegion, 433/2 BC
Fornara, Translated documents 125 - Reaffirmed alliance with Leontinoi
Fornara, Translated documents 126 - Accounts of payments for expeditions to Corcyra
Fornara, Translated documents 128 - Decrees for Methone
Fornara, Translated documents 129 - Dedication of Athenian colonists in Potidaia
Fornara, Translated documents 134 - Loans from the sacred treasuries, 433/2-423/2 BC
Fornara, Translated documents 138 - Honours for Herakleides of Klazomenai
Fornara, Translated documents 139 - Decree about payment to priestess of Athena Nike
Fornara, Translated documents 140 - On the first-fruits at Eleusis
Fornara, Translated documents 142 - Athenian tribute list, 418/7 BC (?)
Fornara, Translated documents 143 - Inventory of the Hekatompedon, 418/7 BC
Fornara, Translated documents 144 - Payments from the treasury of Athena, 418/7–415/4 BC
Fornara, Translated documents 146 - Decrees relating to the Sicilian expedition
Fornara, Translated documents 149 - Honours for Pythophanes
Fornara, Translated documents 150 - Payments from the treasury of Athena, 411/0 BC
Fornara, Translated documents 154 - Payments from the treasury of Athena, 410/9 BC
Fornara, Translated documents 155 - Honours for Thrasyboulos [of Kalydon] and associates, 410/9 BC
Fornara, Translated documents 156 - Decrees honouring Neapolis in Thrace, 410/9 and ca. 407 BC
Fornara, Translated documents 158 - Payments from the treasury of Athena, 408/7-407/6 BC
Fornara, Translated documents 160 - Decree for Oiniades of (Palai)skiathos
Fornara, Translated documents 161 - Honours for Archelaos, king of Macedon, 407/6 BC (?)
Fornara, Translated documents 162 - Ratification of Alcibiades’ treaty with Selymbria
Fornara, Translated documents 163 - Ratification of a treaty with the Klazomenians at Daphnous
Fornara, Translated documents 165 - Decree concerning Carthage
Fornara, Translated documents 166 (decree 1) - Honours for the Samians, 405/4 and 403/2 BC