I Eleusis 180 - Decree of [deme Eleusis?] and soldiers stationed at Eleusis honouring a general
I Eleusis 181 - Honours for the managers of the Mysteries
I Eleusis 182 - Athenian soldiers at Eleusis honour the secretary of the grain treasurers
I Eleusis 183 - [Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis?] honour a cavalry commander
I Eleusis 184 - Athenian soldiers at Eleusis honour the treasurer of the military fund
I Eleusis 185 - Decree of [deme Eleusis and?] soldiers stationed there (?) honouring [Philok]omos
I Eleusis 187 - Decree [of soldiers at Eleusis] honouring a general
I Eleusis 188 - Concerning a report of the director of works
I Eleusis 189 - Decree of deme Eleusis
I Eleusis 191 - Decree of deme Eleusis and Athenians residing there honouring [a general?]
I Eleusis 192 - Honours for the managers of the Mysteries
I Eleusis 193 - The Eleusinians and Athenian soldiers at Eleusis honour King Antigonos
I Eleusis 195 - Dedication from Eleusis honouring Demetrios of Phaleron the Younger
I Eleusis 201 - Decree of Kerykes and Eumolpidai honouring the hierophant, Chairetios of Eleusis
I Eleusis 202 - Honours for the managers of the Mysteries
I Eleusis 203 - Honorific decree [of Athenian soldiers and/or residents at Eleusis?]
I Eleusis 205 - Decree of Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis, Panakton, and Phyle
I Eleusis 206 - Fragment of decree (?)
I Eleusis 208 - Honours for the managers of the Mysteries
I Eleusis 209 - Decree (or dedication?) from Eleusis honouring Niketes of Pergase, 214/3 BC (?)
I Eleusis 210 - Dedication by soldiers at Eleusis for the general, Ekphantos of Thria
I Eleusis 214 - Dedication by soldiers at Eleusis
I Eleusis 220 - Decree fragment from Eleusis
I Eleusis 221 - Decree of Kerykes and Eumolpidai honouring Philonides of Laodikea
I Eleusis 230 - Decree fragment from Eleusis honouring -medes of Hamaxanteia
I Eleusis 233 - Decree of [Eumolpidai] honouring Aristokles of Perithoidai, the hierophant
I Eleusis 234 - Decree of [Eumolpidai] honouring Aristokles of Perithoidai, the hierophant
I Eleusis 237 - Decree about weights and measures
I Eleusis 249 - Decree (?) from Eleusis
I Eleusis 271 - Decree of artists of Dionysos honouring their manager, Philemon
I Eleusis 278 - Statue base for the dadouch Sophokles
I Eleusis 300 - Honours for the dadouch Themistokles
I Eleusis 345 (ll. 37-38) - Honours for T. Statilius Lamprias of Epidauros
I Eleusis 360 - Agreement regarding Salamis
I Eleusis 362 - Statue base for Julius Nikanor the New Homer and New Themistokles
I Eleusis 446 - Altar for Hadrian
I Eleusis 447 - Dedication by Achaians (Eleusis)
I Eleusis 448 - Arches at Eleusis dedicated by Panhellenes to Demeter, Kore and the emperor
I Eleusis 450 - Dedication of a structure at Eleusis connected with the Eleusinia