I Eleusis 476 - Statue base for Regilla
I Eleusis 489 - The Eleusinian Endowment
I Eleusis 491 - Portrait herm for Flavius Xenion
I Eleusis 494 - Herm in honour of the hierophant who saved the sacred objects of the Mysteries
I Eleusis 495 - Apollonia honours Marcus Aurelius
I Eleusis 502 - Statue base for the hierophantis (Isidote)
I Eleusis 504 - Dedication by Panhellenes (Eleusis)
I Eleusis 511 - Statue base for the hearth-initiate Praxagora
I Eleusis 513 - Letter from Emperor Commodus
I Eleusis 515 - Statue base for the hierophant who saved the sacred objects of the Mysteries
I Eleusis 516 - Statue base for the hierophant who saved the sacred objects of the Mysteries
I Eleusis 517 - Statue base for Septimius Severus
I Eleusis 518 - Statue base naming Septimius Severus and Julia Domna
I Eleusis 519 - Statue base for Julia Domna
I Eleusis 527 - Dedication commemorating victory at the Nemeia and the Eleusinia
I Eleusis 532 - Dedication by Panhellenes (Eleusis)
I Eleusis 621 - Statue base for the hearth-initiate Publia Aelia Herennia
I Eleusis 624 - Statue base for Marcus Aurelius Prosdektos
I Eleusis 630 - Statue base of Fulvius Plautianus
I Eleusis 638 - On the conveyance of sacred objects for the Eleusinian Mysteries
I Eleusis 644 - Statue base for Marcus Ulpius Eubiotos
I Eleusis 646 - Statue base for the hierophant Glaukos
I Eleusis 649 - Statue base for a hierophant
I Eleusis 659 - Statue base for Eunike
I Eleusis 682 - Dedication by a thiasos to Asklepios and Hygieia