Decree about permanent dining rights (sitesis) in the city hall (prytaneion)
AIO 1137 Date: 429-424 BC?
. . . was secretary[1].
[The Council and the People decided]; ErechtheisI was [in prytany];
[- was secretary]; -thippos was chairman; -ikles[2] [proposed: let there be permanent dining rights[3] first of all for the
] in the city hall 5 [Anakes ? . . . ] in accordance with ancestral tradition[4]; then for the descendants of
Harm[odios and Aristogei]ton, whoever is nearest in kin ,
[the oldest at any time?] let there [also] be permanent dining rights for them, and if
. . . from the Athenians, in accordance with [tradition? ][5];
. . . whom Apollo has chosen expounding
10 . . . permanent dining rights, and in the future those whom he may
[choose, also] for them [let there be permanent dining rights], on the same basis[6]; and those who
[have been victorious at the Olympic Games] or the Pythian Games or the Isthmian Games or the Nemean [Games or
will be victorious in future, for] them let there be permanent dining rights in the city hall
and [the other grants?] beside the permanent dining rights, in accordance with [what is written on
15 the stele in] the city hall; and those who have been victorious [with a horse-drawn
chariot or with] a riding horse at the Olympic Games [or the
Pythian Games or the Isthmian Games or the Nemean Games or] will be victorious in future, also [for them let there be
permanent dining rights in accordance with] what is written on the stele[7] . . . . . . concerning the military[8] . . . 20 . . . . . .