Decrees honouring ephebes and their superintendent, ca. 20 BC

AIO 1837 Date: ca. 20 BC
Decree 1 (Honours for superintendent)[1] . . . all the – and [performed the liturgies; and they sacrificed at the Proeresia and the Mysteries] and the Dionysia, [supplying the victims in the finest possible manner; and they sacrificed at the Diogeneia within] the precinct (scil. of the Diogeneion) and [they completed all the other sacrifices which were appropriate for the gods] on behalf of the People [and children and women and the friends and allies, announcing that] 5 the sacrifices turned out to be [good and salutary in every respect; and they performed the procession for Artemis] Agrotera in [armour, and they proceeded to meet the sacred things in armour] and they escorted them in procession [and Iakchos likewise; and they also lifted the cattle at the Mysteries]; and in their education [they obeyed] the [superintendent, recognizing that he took care of them throughout] the whole year, and with fairness [displaying the greatest zeal and care towards all of them] 10 and moreover to [each one of them displaying benevolence; for which], wishing also to render him thanks, [they both crowned him with a golden crown and] request the Council [to allow them to make a dedication of a painted image on a shield] in [the stoa of Attalos ? and to inscribe on it, “Those who were ephebes in the year of the archonship of] Apolexis[2] [(honour) their superintendent Sostratos son of Sostratos] 15 of Halai for his excellence [and justice”,[3] for good fortune, the Council shall decide?[4]], to permit the ephebes to make [the image of Sostratos son of Sostratos of Halai], in order that, [these things being brought to pass, the Council[4] may be seen to be?] giving proper attention [to the education of the ephebes and to be honouring] good men. Uninscribed Space
Decree 2 (Honours for ephebes and their tutors) [In the archonship of -, in the -] prytany [of -] for which Ana- . . . 20 . . . [was secretary], on the twenty-ninth of [Boedromion?] [on the - of the prytany. Assembly] . . . ; of the presiding committee . . . [was putting to the vote. The People decided?[4].] Uninscribed Space . . . [proposed: since] those who were ephebes in the [year of the archonship of] Apolexis[2] conducted themselves [well and decently throughout the whole time of their ephebate] 25 [obeying the] superintendent and the tutors, and attending [the lectures and the] schools [of the rhetoricians and the] grammarians, and behaving in the [gymnasia in the appropriate manner]; and they took care of their [physical exercise and drill in a very thoughtful manner], and also in the cavalry [exercise and practice in armour] lacking nothing in love of honour and of toil, 30 and they dedicated a hundred [books in the Ptolemaion according to] the [decree],[5] and they also completed [the other sacrifices which were appropriate, and received good omens in] all of them; in order therefore that both the Council [and the People[4]] may be seen to be approving the excellence of the ephebes and their love of honour directed at the finest things, for good fortune, the Council and the People shall decide,[4] to praise the ephebes of the archonship of Apolexis[2] and to crown (them) with a golden crown 35 for the good discipline they maintained and their zeal for the finest pursuits, and to announce the crown at the competition for new tragedies of the Dionysia and at the Panathenaia and at the Eleusinia in the gymnastic competitions; and the generals and the treasurer of the stratiotic funds shall take care of the proclamation of the crown, and to praise their tutors, [Metrodoros son of -] of Myrrhinous and Simon son of 40 -nianos of Teithras and . . . of Eupyridai and Antiochos of Herakleia, and to crown each of them with a foliage crown for the conduct they have displayed, and to inscribe this decision together with the others on the same stele, in order that, these things being brought to pass, [the Council and the People[4] may be seen to be honouring those] who devote themselves from the first age of youth to the finest pursuits, and in order that 45 others may also become zealous for the same . . . honour they deserve.
col. 1
The Council and the People[4] (crown) the superintendent. In crown Sostratos son of Sostratos 50 of Halai.
col. 2
The ephebes (crown) the superintendent. Traces of a crown
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