Honours for a son of Aristeides
IG II3 1 346 Date: 332/1 BC
Decree 1 . . . from the People’s fund for expenditure
on decrees; and to invite him
to hospitality in the city hall tomorrow.
Decree 2 5 In the archonship of Niketes (332/1), in the
eighth prytany, of AntiochisX,
for which Aristonous son of Aristonous
of Anagyrous was secretary. On the
nineteenth of Elaphebolion, the seventh
10 of the prytany. Of the presiding committee Nikostratos of Kopros[1] was putting to the vote.
The People decided. Demades
son of Demeas of Paiania proposed: since
-os son of Aristeides of -
15 continues to be well disposed towards
the Athenian People and . . . . . . and . . . . . .