Honours for a Plataian

IG II3 1 345 Date: 332/1 BC
Relief Gods. In the archonship of Niketes (332/1), in the eighth prytany, of AntiochisX, for which Aristonous son of Aristonous of Anagyrous was secretary. 5 On the nineteenth of Elaphebolion, the seventh of the prytany. Assembly in the theatre of Dionysos.[1] [Of the presiding committee] Nikostratos of Kopros[2] was putting to the vote. The People decided. Lykourgos son of Lykophron of Boutadai 10 proposed: since - son of [Eud?]emos of Plataia[3] both previously announced to the People . . . [so that?] there may be . . . money . . . he provided . . . 15 . . . and has now donated . . . [of the general?] . . . . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . Athenians or Panathenaia . . . the People shall decide: to praise - son of [Eud?]emos of Plataia . . .