Regulations concerning the Eleusinian Mysteries
AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 1 Date: Ca. 475-450 BCFace A
[1] . . . . . . drachmas
. . . . . . 5 . . . of the cities
. . . decides, dedicate
. . . if anyone of the
. . . either whoever (?)
. . . or . . . 10 . . . in order that (?)
6 lines traces 17 but if not, each
6 lines traces 24 . . . and . . . 25 . . . and not newer or younger (?) let him use the sanctuary; but if
. . . let him not use it; and if
. . . these things (are to apply) in the same way; and if
. . . most according to his (?) power; . . . 30 and shall carry out the exaction; but
if he does not turn in the debtor, let him not
use the sanctuary; if they dispute (?) that they have been summoned on the Acropolis (?) . . . having come (fem. sing.) . . . injustice (?)
35 . . . later the Council
. . . of the Athenians not
. . . of these cities
. . . unless he has lost a case
in a local court or
40 been captured among the enemy; and any city
that is not willing shall give
and receive court cases with the Athenians
according to the existing conventions[2]
Face B
Traces 5 for involuntary acts,
a simple penalty, for
voluntary acts a double penalty;
and there shall be a truce
for the initiates[3] 10 and for the
epoptai,[3] and
for the companions or servants and
property of the
15 foreigners and for all
and the time
of the truce
is to begin
20 in the month
Metageitnion, from
the full moon , and
to continue through
Boedromion and
25 Pyanopsion
until the
tenth;[4] and the truce
is to apply in the
30 cities that
use the
sanctuary and to
the Athenians
there in the
35 same cities;
and for the
Lesser Mysteries[5] the
truce is to be
40 in the month Gamelion
from the
full moon and
through Anthesterion
and in
45 Elaphebolion
until the
Face C
Traces 5 . . . an obol from
each [initiate ]; and the -
shall take half an obol
[each] from each initiate;
and the priestess of Demeter[6] 10 shall take at the Lesser
Mysteries from each initiate
an obol, and at the Greater
Mysteries an obol from
each initiate; [all the?] obols
15 shall belong to the two Goddesses except
for one thousand six hundred drachmas; and from
the one thousand six hundred drachmas
the priestess shall
pay the expenses just
20 as they have been paid until now;[7] and the Eumolpidai and
the Kerykes[8] are to take from
each initiate five obols
from the men, three obols from the women;
an initiate who has not paid shall not embark on
25 initiation, except for the hearth-initiate;[9] and the Kerykes shall initiate the initiates -,
each one, and the Eumolpidai
in the same way; [but if?] . . . more , they shall be fined [a hundred?] 30 drachmas at their scrutiny; and those of the
Kerykes and Eumolpidai who have reached adulthood may initiate;
and the Athenians may -
the sacred money . . . whatever they wish, just like
35 the money of Athena
on the Acropolis; and the
hieropoioi shall look after the money [of the Two Goddesses?] on the Acropolis . . . . . . in the . . . 40 of the orphans . . . the orphan children and the
initiates each . . . the initiates who are [initiated?] at Eleusis in the courtyard within the
45 sanctuary, and those who are [initiated?] in the city in the Eleusinion.
Added a little later: The altar-priest and the [-] of the two Goddesses and the priest who . . . are to take, each of these [an obol from?] 50 each initiate, [sacred to the two Goddesses?]
Face D