Ag. I 2155: IG II3 1 1282 Honours for a courtier of king Seleukos IV
Ag. I 2175: Agora XV 277 Honours for the prytany treasurer of Pandionis
Ag. I 2184: IG II3 1 1458 List of ephebes
Ag. I 2185a: Agora XV 266 Honours for the prytany treasurer of Aigeis
Ag. I 2185b: Agora XV 266 Honours for the prytany treasurer of Aigeis
Ag. I 2210: IG II3 4 627 Dedication commemorating victories in Panhellenic festivals (?)
Ag. I 2212: Oliver, Greek and Latin Inscriptions 50 Altar for Hadrian
Ag. I 2239: IG II3 1 425 Decree honouring a priest?
Ag. I 2259: AIO 1977 Decree of unidentifiable group with roster of Kekropis
Ag. I 2261: IG II3 4 96 Dedication
Ag. I 2269: Follet and Peppas Delmousou, Sardes et Synnada 1 Sardis honours Hadrian
Ag. I 2301: AIO 1977 Decree of unidentifiable group with roster of Kekropis
Ag. I 2334: IG II3 4 270 Naval dedication
Ag. I 2343a: IG II3 4 627 Dedication commemorating victories in Panhellenic festivals (?)
Ag. I 2343b: IG II3 4 627 Dedication commemorating victories in Panhellenic festivals (?)
Ag. I 2343c: IG II3 4 627 Dedication commemorating victories in Panhellenic festivals (?)
Ag. I 2343d: IG II3 4 627 Dedication commemorating victories in Panhellenic festivals (?)
Ag. I 2346: IG II3 4 91 Dedication by a prytany
Ag. I 2361: IG II3 1 1150 Honours for the Ephesians
Ag. I 2363: Agora XV 31 List of names, prytany Kekropis (?)
Ag. I 2373: IG II3 1 1214 Honours for Therson
Ag. I 2393: IG II3 4 627 Dedication commemorating victories in Panhellenic festivals (?)
Ag. I 2399: IG II3 4 627 Dedication commemorating victories in Panhellenic festivals (?)
Ag. I 2448: IG II3 1 946 Honours for the prytany of Akamantis
Ag. I 2451: IG II3 1 1197 Honours for the prytany of Kekropis
Ag. I 2464: IG II3 4 93 Dedication including deputies (paredroi)
Ag. I 2470: I Eleusis 7 Inscribed altar from the City Eleusinion concerning the Eleusinian Mysteries
Ag. I 2487: IG II3 4 170 Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
Ag. I 2497: IG II3 1 1249 Honours for the prytany of Aigeis
Ag. I 2498: IG II3 1 1246 Honours for the prytany of Kekropis
Ag. I 2499: IG II3 1 1169 Honours for the ephebes of 209/8 and their officers
Ag. I 2527: IG II3 1 1338 Honours for a man from Melite
Ag. I 2564: IG II3 4 627 Dedication commemorating victories in Panhellenic festivals (?)
Ag. I 2598: IG II3 4 168 Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
Ag. I 2619: Agora XVI 336 Council decree on divine honours for Augustus
Ag. I 2649: SEG 12.148 Altar for Hadrian
Ag. I 2665: IG II3 1 1353 Honours
Ag. I 2680: Agora XV 317 List of names