Ag. I 3185: IG II3 4 248 Dedication [by phylarchs]?

Ag. I 3188: IG II3 4 250 Dedication by phylarchs

Ag. I 3231: Agora XV 278 Honours for the prytany treasurer of Hippothontis, 47/6 or 45/4 BC

Ag. I 3237: IG II3 1 1441 Fragment of decree (?)

Ag. I 3238: IG II3 1 1023 Honours for the grain protectors (sitophylakes)

Ag. I 3244: RO 37 Decree of the genos Salaminioi concerning the resolution of a dispute

Ag. I 3280: SEG 46.229 Marker of house of phratry Io[nidai] (?)

Ag. I 3319: IG II3 1 1016 Honours for ephebes and officials

Ag. I 3322a: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 1 Regulations concerning the Eleusinian Mysteries

Ag. I 3322b: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 1 Regulations concerning the Eleusinian Mysteries

Ag. I 3364: IG II3 1 344 Honours for a son of Onoma-

Ag. I 3365: IG II3 1 1255

Ag. I 3367: IG II3 1 563

Ag. I 3370: IG II3 1 917 Honours for ephebes and their officials

Ag. I 3371: IG II3 1 562

Ag. I 3394: AIO 948 Decree of the genos Salaminioi concerning the resolution of a dispute

Ag. I 3398: IG I3 962 Choregic dedication for the City Dionysia

Ag. I 3400: IG II3 4 51 Dedication by the prytany of Erechtheis, 381/0 BC ?

Ag. I 3407: IG II3 4 626 Dedication commemorating competitive victories

Ag. I 3425: IG II3 1 1153 Honours for the prytany of Akamantis

Ag. I 3451: Agora XV 271 Honours for a prytany treasurer

Ag. I 3460: IG II3 1 869

Ag. I 3461: Agora XVIII 379 Statue base for Regilla

Ag. I 3470: IG II3 4 628 Dedication commemorating athletic victories in major festivals

Ag. I 3477: IG II3 4 535 Dedication by a competition-director?

Ag. I 3486: Agora XVIII 379 Statue base for Regilla

Ag. I 3495: IG II3 4 263 Anthippasia dedication

Ag. I 3551: IG II3 4 1239 Dedication to Zeus Hypsistos by Keda-

Ag. I 3605: IG II3 1 1031 Honours for the ephebes and officials

Ag. I 3620: SEG 21.705 Altar for Hadrian

Ag. I 3632: IG II3 1 976 Honours for foreigners

Ag. I 3634: IG II3 4 628 Dedication commemorating athletic victories in major festivals

Ag. I 3642: IG II3 1 1366 Honours for a prytany

Ag. I 3658: IG II3 1 1195 Decree honouring ephebes?

Ag. I 3675: IG II3 1 1342 Honours for ephebes

Ag. I 3676: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 15 Honours for the prytany of Ptolemais, 192/1 BC

Ag. I 3679: IG II3 4 79 Dedication by the prytany of Aiantis, 339/8 BC

Ag. I 3684: IG II3 1 1149 Honours for the prytany of Aiantis

Ag. I 3688: IG II3 1 897 Honours for commanders of tribal regiments (taxiarchoi)

Ag. I 3692: Agora XV 298 Honours for a prytany treasurer

Ag. I 3696: IG II3 4 101 Dedication by official(s), 235/4 BC

Ag. I 3717: IG II3 1 1355 Honours for the prytany of Aigeis

Ag. I 3722: IG II3 1 1016 Honours for ephebes and officials

Ag. I 3727: IG II3 4 1244 Dedication to Zeus Hypsistos(?) by Spendousa

Ag. I 3732: AIO 1185 Sacrificial Calendar of Athens (earlier phase)

Ag. I 3770: SEG 14.125 Altar for Hadrian

Ag. I 3771: Rationes, Stele 3 Accounts of 1% tax on property transactions (Rationes Centesimarum)

Ag. I 3777: IG II3 1 1389 Honours for the son of Zenothemis of Miletos

Ag. I 3783: IG II3 1 1399 Honours for a prytany

Ag. I 3785: IG II3 1 1415 Honours for a prytany