425 BC-375 BC: SEG 63.155 - Boundary marker of land belonging to Dionysos (Pallene)
424 BC-423 BC: IG I3 36 - Decree about payment to priestess of Athena Nike
424 BC-423 BC: AIUK 3 (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge) no. 1 - Treaty between Athens and Halieis
424 BC-390 BC: AIO 313 - Honours for Herakleides of Klazomenai
423 BC-403 BC: AIO 505 - Sacrifices and perquisites
422 BC-421 BC: IG I3 92 - Honours for Kallippos the Thessalian
422 BC-385 BC: SEG 50.45 - Honours for Polypeithes of Siphnos
421 BC-420 BC: AIO 1304 - Decree concerning the festival (of Hephaistos?)
420 BC-420 BC: IG I3 258 - Decree of the deme Plotheia
420 BC-420 BC: IG I3 83 - Alliance with Argos, Elis and Mantinea
420 BC-410 BC: IG I3 247 - Decree of an association of uncertain type (deme? komē?)
420 BC-403 BC: AIO 2776 - List of names, Council
420 BC-400 BC: SEG 34.107 - Decree of Thorikos about choregiai
420 BC-400 BC: Csapo and Wilson II, 266-9 - Decree of Thorikos about choregoi
420 BC-380 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 44 - Lekythos of Demostrate
420 BC-375 BC: IG II3 4 941 - Dedication by a priest of Apollo Zoster
418 BC-417 BC: IG I3 84 - Decree on the administration of the property of Kodros, Neleus and Basile
418 BC-417 BC: Matthaiou, Ta en tei stelei, 57–70 - Reaffirmed alliance with Egesta, 418/7 BC
418 BC-417 BC: AIO 1172 - Athenian tribute list, 418/7 BC (?)
418 BC-417 BC: IG I3 329 - Inventory of the Hekatompedon, 418/7 BC
418 BC-415 BC: AIO 1835 - Treaty with Halikyai
418 BC-414 BC: OR 170 - Payments from the treasury of Athena, 418/7–415/4 BC
415 BC-415 BC: IG I3 93 - Decrees relating to the Sicilian expedition
415 BC-414 BC: IG I3 960 - Choregic dedication of Pythodoros for the City Dionysia, 415/4 BC
415 BC-405 BC: IG I3 1330 - Gravestone of Myrrhine, first priestess of Athena Nike
413 BC-412 BC: IG I3 136 - Decree about the cult of Bendis
411 BC-410 BC: IG I3 373 - Payments from the treasury of Athena, 411/0 BC
411 BC-405 BC: AIO 1049 - Support for orphans of men killed under the oligarchy, ca. 410 BC?
411 BC-398 BC: AIO 305 - Honours for Pythophanes
410 BC-409 BC: OR 182 - Honours for Thrasyboulos [of Kalydon] and associates, 410/9 BC
410 BC-409 BC: IG I3 105 - Laws about the Council of 500
410 BC-409 BC: IG I3 375 - Payments from the treasury of Athena, 410/9 BC
410 BC-407 BC: AIO 1970 - Honours for Euagoras of Salamis, ca. 410 or 407 BC (?)
410 BC-407 BC: AIO 1176 - Decrees honouring Neapolis in Thrace, 410/9 and ca. 407 BC
410 BC-404 BC: AIO 1186 - Law fragment
410 BC-404 BC: IG I3 236a - Law about the trierarchy
410 BC-404 BC: IG I3 237 - Law about assessment for taxes or contributions
410 BC-404 BC: AIO 1185 - Sacrificial Calendar of Athens (earlier phase)
410 BC-400 BC: IG I3 1032 - List of crew of Athenian triremes
410 BC-390 BC: IG II3 4 41 - Choregic dedication by the basileus
410 BC-390 BC: IG II3 4 666 - Copy of monument commemorating foundation of Asklepieion
410 BC-390 BC: IG II3 4 578 - Dedication by a victor in apobates race at the Panathenaia
409 BC-408 BC: OR 183A - Decree to republish Draco’s law on homicide