Two honorific decrees of the deme Acharnai, 315/4 BC
Csapo and Wilson II, 54-9 Date: 315/4 BC
Decree 1[1] Diogenes son of Naukydes proposed: since Phanomachos
the treasurer in the archonship of Praxiboulos (315/4) both sacrificed all the sacrifices to the gods and
heroes in the year on behalf of the demesmen
5 and managed the Dionysia well
and [with love of honour ] with the demarch
Oinophilos and made a libation bowl of silver weighing a
mina (= 100 dr.) according to the [law][2] and has given a full account
of his financial administration both to the
10 city and to the demesmen within the times specified
in the laws of the city and the
demesmen and has deposited with the Acharnians
the surplus of the money
from his financial administration , 329 drachmas, and rendered
15 his accounts , in which he was deemed to have held office as treasurer justly,
and managed everything else that the Acharnians
required of him well and with love of honour ;
the Acharnians shall resolve, to praise
Phanomachos son of Nikodemos of Acharnai and
20 crown him with a foliage crown for his love of honour and justice towards the demesmen;
and the secretary of the demesmen shall inscribe this decree
on a stone stele and
stand it in the sanctuary of Athena Hippia;
25 and the treasurer shall give [20] drachmas
for inscribing the stele and account for it
to the demesmen.
Decree 2 Diogenes son of Naukydes proposed: since the demarch
Oinophilos and the treasurer Phanomachos and
30 the manager of the Dionysia have managed well
and with love of honour both the sacrifice
to Dionysos and the procession and the competition
and are administering everything else on behalf of the demesmen
according to the laws, the Acharnians shall resolve,
35 to praise the demarch Oinophilos
son of Oinophilos and the treasurer Phanomachos son of Nikodemos
and the manager, Leon son of Dion,
and crown each of them with an ivy crown
and the demarch shall announce these
40 crowns at the Dionysia in Acharnai
in the competition; and the demarch Oinophilos
shall inscribe this decree on a stone stele
and stand it in the sanctuary of Athena Hippia;
and the treasurer Phanomachos shall give 20 drachmas
45 for inscribing the stele and
account for it to the demesmen; and they shall have
a seat of honour, themselves and their descendants,
for all time at the Dionysia at Acharnai
in the competition, in the front row[3].