302 Results for "Eleusis"

Displaying 121 - 150


Decree of soldiers of the open country (hypaithroi) at Eleusis honouring Asklepiades of Phyle, 224/3 BC

I Eleusis 200 Date: 224/3 BC
... son of Euphanes (see I Eleusis 210, l. 57). [3] This is one of a number of exant decrees of military units based at Eleusis, cf. I Eleusis 207, wit...
[Full inscription]

Arches at Eleusis dedicated by Panhellenes to Demeter, Kore and the emperor

IG II3 4 217-218 Date: 2nd cent. AD
[1] These inscriptions, on epistyle blocks, belong to two monumental arches in the vicinity of the Lesser Propylaia in Eleusis (for the area in the s...
[Full inscription]

Dedication by soldiers for general and patrol commanders at Eleusis

IG II3 4 278 Date: Before 335/4 BC (?)
... the borders of Attica (including Eleusis, cf. I Eleusis 80). See G. J. Oliver, War, Food, and Politics in Early Hellenistic Athens (2007), 180-1. Suc...
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Lease of tenement-houses by the deme Eleusis

I Eleusis 176 Date: 337-324 BC
... houses (synoikiai) by the deme Eleusis. For other enactments of this deme see I Eleusis 68, with notes. These include, in I Eleusis 85, decrees of th...
[Full inscription]

Decree [of Athenian soldiers/residents at Eleusis?] honouring a man who had improved the water-supply

I Eleusis 204 Date: 224/3-188/7 BC
[1] Like I Eleusis 203 (compare from the same period the better preserved I Eleusis 197) this is perhaps from an honorific decree of Athenians reside...
[Full inscription]

Dedication (Eleusis)

IG II3 4 209 Date: after ca. 350 BC
... by the overseers (epistatai) of Eleusis, cf. Clinton in I Eleusis 77 and comments on I Eleusis 158, ll. 2-7 and 156, ll. 3-7.
[Full inscription]

Dedication to Dionysos from Eleusis

IG II3 4 970 Date: Late-iv BC
... the Dionysia of the deme Eleusis see I Eleusis 53, with notes. This dedication, which perhaps derives from the associated sanctuary, is unusual among...
[Full inscription]

Dedication by a general honouring the demarch of Eleusis, Euthydemos

I Eleusis 102 Date: ca. 300 BC
... For Euthydemos the demarch of Eleusis cf. I Eleusis 100 and I Eleusis 101 with notes.
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Decree of Eleusis honouring a Theban

I Eleusis 71 Date: Mid-iv BC (?)
[1] For the deme Eleusis and its decrees see I Eleusis 68; for other decrees of the deme honouring Thebans, I Eleusis 70. [2] Csapo and Wilson note...
[Full inscription]

[Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis?] honour a cavalry commander

I Eleusis 183 Date: Ca. 258-251 BC
... decrees of military units from Eleusis see I Eleusis 207, with notes. As commonly occurred at this period, Thoukritos went on from this post as caval...
[Full inscription]

Choregic dedication from Eleusis

IG II3 4 509 Date: Mid-iv BC (?)
... Wilson note, two sponsors) from Eleusis commemorating a victory in the Eleusinian Dionysia, on which see I Eleusis 53; and cf. IG II3 4, 504. It can ...
[Full inscription]

Dedication by Panhellenes (Eleusis)

IG II3 4 216 Date: 177-188 AD
... records a dedication made at Eleusis by the Panhellenes from the offerings of first fruits (aparche). Flavius Amphikles was archon of the Panhellenion in 177-180, 181-184, or 185-...
[Full inscription]

Dedication by Achaians (Eleusis)

IG II3 4 219 Date: ii AD (?)
... to have been dedicated at Eleusis by the Achaian League in the second century AD. For another Achaian inscription in Imperial-period Athens, see Oliver, Constitutions 78. Torch...
[Full inscription]

Decree from Eleusis on religious matters

I Eleusis 135 Date: End-4th cent. or early-3rd cent. BC
... administration of the sanctuary at Eleusis in the fifth cent. BC and in modified form for a further period from 363/2? (cf. Clinton vol. II, p. 113, cf. p. 3 "after the fourth century ...
[Full inscription]

Dedication of a structure at Eleusis connected with the Eleusinia

IG II3 4 609 Date: i-ii AD
... epistyle of a structure at Eleusis which had some purpose connected with the Eleusinia, on which see IG II3 4, 579; IG I3 5, with notes. It has been dated to the 1st cent. AD or...
[Full inscription]

Fragmentary decree from Eleusis honouring [a son of?] Timok[rates?] of Kerameis

I Eleusis 123 Date: 4th-3rd cent. BC

Decree fragment from Eleusis

I Eleusis 104 Date: ca. fin-iv BC ?

Military dedication at Eleusis?

IG II3 4 277 Date: 350-300 BC

Dedication by soldiers at Eleusis for the general, Ekphantos of Thria

IG II3 4 282 Date: ca. 210 BC

Dedication by soldiers at Eleusis for the general, Thrasyboulos of Erchia

IG II3 4 279 Date: ca. 326/5 BC

Honours for service connected with Eleusis

IG II3 1 1209 Date: Ca. 215 BC

Decree (?) from Eleusis

I Eleusis 249 Date: 2nd cent. BC (?)

Decree fragment from Eleusis honouring -medes of Hamaxanteia

I Eleusis 230 Date: ca. mid-2nd cent. BC

Decree fragment from Eleusis

I Eleusis 220 Date: 194/3-148/7 BC

Decree (or dedication?) from Eleusis honouring Niketes of Pergase, 214/3 BC (?)

I Eleusis 209 Date: 214/3 BC (?)

The Eleusinian Endowment

I Eleusis 489 Date: 168/9-169/70 AD?
... perhaps pre-dates the sack of Eleusis by the Costoboci in AD 170 (I Eleusis 494, 516), since one might expect an endowment after that date to provide...
[Full inscription]

Decree of [Melite?] honouring Satyra, priestess of the Thesmophoroi

AIO 2841 Date: ca. 160 BC
... further the notes to I Eleusis 229). Note also that, like I Eleusis 229, this decree relates to more minor and/or more local festivals of Demeter and...
[Full inscription]

Decrees of the deme Piraeus about the lease of the deme theatre, 324/3 BC

AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees of Other Bodies) no. 1 Date: 324/3 BC
... and the military importance of, Eleusis); a relatively low proportion of wealthy deme members (the wealth index of Eleusis was 1.27). It can be said ...
[Full inscription]

Decree of the deme Piraeus honouring Kallidamas of Cholleidai

AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees of Other Bodies) no. 3 Date: ca. 335-315 BC ?
... for it in other demes (Eleusis, I Eleusis 99, l. 16, I Eleusis 72, l. 29, and the provisions for Theban honorands, I Eleusis 70 and 71; and Lamptrai...
[Full inscription]

List of names, Council, 335/4 BC

Agora XV 43 Date: 335/4 BC
... in Oion Dekeleikon at I Eleusis 67, l. 2. The name Phokiades is also attested in Eleusis. 188-189. Dionysodotos son of Polyaratos. Neither name is at...
[Full inscription]