302 Results for "Eleusis"

Displaying 241 - 270


Gaius Claudius Silianus honours Hadrian

IG II2 3315 Date: ca. 132 AD
... a hearth initiate in I Eleusis 373. He appears to be related to Gaius Silius Polykritos of Azenia, who was prominent in the reign of Caligula (IG II2 3266), from a family th...
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Decree of a thiasos of Bendis on Salamis (249/8 BC)

IG II2 1317b Date: 249/8 BC
... Stratokles, apparently a citizen from Eleusis, had also been honoured as secretary in SEG 59.151 and SEG 59.152; the office was apparently not annual, or could be repeated.
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Lease of buildings in Piraeus by [the deme] Kytherros

IG II2 2496 Date: ca. 325-300 BC
... awarding ateleia (as e.g. I Eleusis 70, 71, 72, l. 29, 99, l. 16). The force of hapanton with ateleia is probably to emphasise that the lessee is to be free from any taxes whatso...
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Honours for the priest of Asklepios

SEG 18.22 Date: 165/4 BC or 150/49 BC
... archonship of Pelops, see I Eleusis 229.
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Honours for the commissioners for refurbishment of the Tholos

IG II3 1 1300 Date: 181/0 BC
... weights and measures, see I Eleusis 237.
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Decree of a thiasos of Bendis on Salamis (272/1 BC)

SEG 59.151 Date: 272/1 BC
... 10. [4] Stratokles (of Eleusis) is also secretary at SEG 59.152 and IG II2 1317b.
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Harbour fees and the cult of Poseidon at Sounion

IG I3 8 Date: ca. 460-450 BC
... be later); IG I3 5 (Eleusis); IG I3 6 (City Eleusinion). Only IG I3 1 foreshadows the later practice of erecting decrees of a generic, not specifically cult-related, char...
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Honorific decree of deme Anagyrous?

IG II2 1210 Date: 325-300 BC?
... the border demes, Rhamnous or Eleusis; Hellenistic fortifications are also attested in neighbouring Halai Aixonides, see RO 46, with notes; there is no Rural Dionysia attested at S...
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Decree of the deme Plotheia

IG I3 258 Date: c. 420 BC (?)
... major ancient cult locations, including Eleusis, the Tetrapolis, Brauron, and Thorikos, in Philochoros’ list of the twelve original poleis of Attica (FGrH 328 F 94). Another fragment of Phil...
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Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

IG II3 4 137 Date: i-ii AD
... 2.3, Juvenal Sat. 3.74, I Eleusis 502 n. 4). Cf. Byrne, Roman Citizens, p. 494.
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Honours for the ephebic superintendent, 140/1 AD

IG II2 2048 Date: AD 140/1
... Plouton and Kore (see I Eleusis 239 and K. Clinton, Sacred Officials, 1974, 97). It was normal for the son of the superintendent to take responsibility for the herm’s erectio...
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Ephebic decree and transcript of ephebic oration, 184/5 AD

SEG 50.155 Date: AD 184/5
... Korydallos on the road from Eleusis to Athens, killed travellers by stretching or amputating them to make them the same length as his bed. [5] Theseus’ most famous exploit was ...
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Decree of ecumenical technitai of Dionysos

AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees of Other Bodies) no. 9 Date: 138-161 AD
... IG II2 1320 and I Eleusis 271. On other decrees of the Imperial period, see SEG 21.499 For more detailed discussion of no. 8 and no. 9 see AIUK vol. 4.3A (BM, Decree...
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Decree of Aixone honouring Kallikrates and Aristokrates, 340/339 BC (?)

IG II2 1202 Date: 340/339 BC (?)
... at local level is I Eleusis 95, of 321/0 or 318/7 BC, which refers to a law requiring an honorific decree to specify what benefit the honorand has done for the city. No h...
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Dedication by ephebes

IG II3 4 344 Date: ca. 335-322 BC
... (in addition to Rhamnous or Eleusis or Phyle) in their second year of service.
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Decree of Halai Aixonides

Peek, Attische Inschriften, 10 no. 8 Date: Ca. 286/5 - 238/7 BC
... from the garrison demes of Eleusis or Rhamnous, are firmly datable to the 3rd century BC. The other is a decree from the deme's other major sanctuary, the Aphrodision, SEG 49.14...
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Decree of deme Piraeus concerning the Thesmophorion

IG II2 1177 Date: Mid-iv BC
... (see also NGSL 3, I Eleusis 175 and AIO 2841). The festival seems to have been largely, perhaps entirely, a diffused rite, celebrated locally in the demes (on this see A...
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Provisions for priests and priestesses (in Aixone?)

CGRN 57 Date: 400-350 BC
... RO 37, the Kerykes, I Eleusis 300). A more serious objection is perhaps that, with the possible exception of Paralos, none of the priests serves what can plausibly be ident...
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Decree of the Panhellenion admitting Magnesia on the Maiandros

Oliver, Marcus Aurelius 5 Date: 138-161 AD
... of the Panhellenion, see I Eleusis 489. [2] Magnesia on the Maiandros was a mid-ranking city in the Roman province of Asia, most notable for its sanctuary of Artemis Leukophry...
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Statue base for the dadouch Sophokles

I Eleusis 278 Date: Ca. mid-i BC
... dedicated by Ktesikleia is I Eleusis 277.
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Decree of Thorikos about choregiai

SEG 34.107 Date: ca. 420-400 (409?) BC
... (e.g. quarry leases; see I Eleusis 85) we see "a model of choregic self-appointment by competitive voluntarism" (Csapo and WIlson, 264). A possible interpretation of ll. 6-7 is ...
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Council decree on repairs to the Asklepieion, 51/0 BC

IG II2 1046 Date: 52/1 BC
... at that time (cf. I Eleusis 300; IG II2 2338; S. Aleshire and S. D. Lambert, in J. Richardson and F. Santangelo, Priests and State in the Roman World, 2011, 553-76; A. J....
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Funerary monument

AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 75 Date: ii-iii AD
... AIUK 4.6, no. 73; I Eleusis 515, l. 6. The "sacred Council" is perhaps a reference to the Areopagos, who may have honoured the man with citizenship. For more detailed dis...
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IG II3 1 1138 Date: 227/6 BC
... Since this was found at Eleusis it might, like IG II3 1, 1164, be from a decree honouring the managers of the Mysteries.
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Dedication by the prytany of Hippothontis

IG II3 4 46 Date: early iv cent. BC
... usually thought, it was in Eleusis (cf. IG II3 4, 220 with notes), it seems the tribe must have used some other location in Athens for this dedication.
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Choregic dedication from Ikarion

IG II3 4 501 Date: Before mid-iv BC?
... Ikarion, who supplied reeds to Eleusis in 329/8 (IG II2 1672 = I Eleus. 177, ll. 189, 194), was perhaps grandson of the Ergasos named in l. 1 (if he is not the same man).
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Choregic dedication (Acharnai)

IG II3 4 500 Date: Before mid-4th cent. BC (?)
... and the synchoregiai (cf. I Eleusis 53, with notes) indicate that the monument relates rather to the Acharnian “Rural” Dionysia (on this festival see IG II3 4, 498, with notes; o...
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Dossier on the association of the musical artists of the Dancer

AIO 2893 Date: ca. 140 AD
... city of Athens and at Eleusis (cf. IG II3 4, 566, AIUK 11 (Ashmolean), 10, cf. R. R. R. Smith, Antinous: Boy made God 2018). The inscriber, Attalos Andragathos, was origi...
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Statue base of Piso

AIUK 4.5 (BM, Dedications) no. 24 Date: 173/4 AD
... IG II2 3404 = I Eleusis 482 of 163/4 AD). Piso had also served as archon eponymous, the most high-ranking magistracy in the city, and an office typically held at thi...
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Letter from Hadrian on gifts for the boys (132 AD)

Oliver, Constitutions 85 Date: 132 AD
... inscribed Imperial letters, see I Eleusis 513 with notes. [2] "Ornamentation" (kosmos) had educational connotations, cf. Henderson, Springtime of the People (2020), 62-67.
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