37 Results for "Eleusinion"

Displaying 1 - 30


Deme decree relating to cult at Paiania

CGRN 25 Date: 450-430 BC
... a piglet; to the Eleusinion, for Daira, a female lamb, leader of the Proerosia (preroarchos); to the Eleusinion, for th...

Decree of [Eumolpidai] honouring Aristokles of Perithoidai, the hierophant

I Eleusis 234 Date: ca. 149/8 BC?
... the Principal Meeting in the Eleusinion, Amynomachos son of Eukles of Halai proposed: since the hierophant (5) Aristokles of P...

Decree concerning Eleusinian cults at Phrearrhioi

CGRN 103 Date: ca. 335-250 BC
... the altar in the Eleusinion ... (10) of the acolytes (akolouthom) the religious official shall release the ... after the priestesses have ma...

Decree of [Eumolpidai] honouring Aristokles of Perithoidai, the hierophant

I Eleusis 233 Date: ca. 149/8 BC
... meeting (agorai kuriai) in the Eleusinion, Amynomachos son of Eukles of Halai proposed: since the hierophant (5) Aristokles of...

On the boundaries of the sacred tract

IG II3 1 292 Date: 352/1 BC
... elected shall - in the Eleusinion in the city ... of the sacred tract (hieras orgados) ... from neither favour nor (10) enmi...

On the conveyance of sacred objects for the Eleusinian Mysteries

AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 17 Date: ca. 220 AD
... the sacred objects to the Eleusinion under (15) the (Acro)polis, so that there should be more good order and a larger escort for t...

Regulations concerning the Eleusinian Mysteries

AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 1 Date: Ca. 475-450 BC
... in the city in the Eleusinion. (Added a little later: ) The altar-priest and the - of the two Goddesses and the priest who (ton ierea ton -) ... are to ta...

The sacrificial calendar of the Marathonian Tetrapolis

SEG 50.168 Date: Ca. 375-350 BC?
... ... by the Eleusinion ... in Kynosoura ... by the Herakleion (Unit B1) (20) ... fourth quarter, Mounichion, ... ...

Honours for the prytany of Leontis

IG II3 1 1168 Date: 211/0 BC
... the Council chamber in the Eleusinion. Of the presiding committee Lysikles son of Apollodoros of Kephale was putting to the vote, (40) and his fellow presiding commi...

Monument commemorating the foundation and early years of the Asklepieion at Athens

IG II3 4 665 Date: Ca. 400 BC
... Eleusinion; and having sent for assistants () (diakonos) from home, Telemachos brought him here on a (15) wagon in accorda...

IG II3 1 1069 Date: Ca. 245-230 BC
... the Eleusinion in the city; and for the inscription (5) of the stele the administrator (ton epi tei dioikesei) shall allocate the expend...

Sacrificial calendar from Eleusis

I Eleusis 175 Date: ca. 330 BC
... ... to the Eleusinion On the fifth for the hierophant and the herald (5) for lunch, when they announce the festival ...

Honours for Ephesians

IG II3 1 1215 Date: Ca. 210 BC
... by the Eleusinion (pros toi Eleusinioi); and the treasurer of the military fund shall allocate for inscribing and setting up the stele the amount a...

Honours for service connected with Eleusis

IG II3 1 1209 Date: Ca. 215 BC
... and stand it by the Eleusinion ... ...

Honours for the managers of the Mysteries

IG II3 1 915 Date: 267/6 BC
... it in the Eleusinion ... ...

Sacrificial calendar of Erchia

AIO 593 Date: Ca. 375-350 BC
... at the Eleusinion in the city, for Demeter, (5) a sheep, 10 dr.; - on the sixteenth, for Kourotrophos, in Hekate...

On the first-fruits at Eleusis

I Eleusis 28a Date: ca. 435 BC?
... place (katathenton) it in the Eleusinion at Eleusis and in the Council chamber; (30) and the Council shall announce to all the other Greek cities, wherever it decides t...

Cult provisions on an inscribed altar from the City Eleusinion

AIUK 4.1 (BM, Cult Provisions) no. 1 Date: ca. 510-470 BC
... both apparently from the city Eleusinion, and the tiny archaic fragment, IG I3 230, there are two other fragmentary early calendars, AIO 1303 and AIU...
[Full inscription]

Dedication of two crowns in the City Eleusinion by the priestess Lysistrate

IG I3 953 Date: Ca. 450-425 BC?

Inscribed altar from the City Eleusinion concerning the Eleusinian Mysteries

I Eleusis 7 Date: ca. 510-490 BC

Military dedication to Demeter and Kore (City Eleusinion?)

IG II3 4 264 Date: end iv BC

Decree of [Melite?] honouring Satyra, priestess of the Thesmophoroi

AIO 2841 Date: ca. 160 BC
... this included the whole City Eleusinion or all the temples in the deme, would have been a major undertaking). For another inscription that may refer ...
[Full inscription]

Dedication commemorating institution of Great Panathenaia?

IG I3 507 Date: 566/5 BC (?)
... the Twelve Gods to the Eleusinion (Xenophon, Hipparchikos 3.2) was called the dromos in ancient times is very shaky (Himerios Or. 47.12; Miller, in Hansen, Sources for the A...
[Full inscription]

Honours for Xenokles of Sphettos

I Eleusis 95 Date: 321/0 or 318/7 BC
... objects were led from the Eleusinion in Athens to the sanctuary of Demeter and Kore in Eleusis; cf. I Eleusis 489 and I Eleusis 638. [8] This infrastructure improvement was ...
[Full inscription]

Honours for Xen-

IG II3 1 1387 Date: Ca. 170 BC
... set up in the City Eleusinion. [2] IG follows Meritt in printing [δεδόχθαι τῶι δήμωι· ἐ]παινέσαι, "the People shall decide, to praise", but [δεδόχθαι τεῖ βουλεῖ· ἐ]παι...
[Full inscription]

Two decrees of Kyd[athenaion]

Agora XVI 68 Date: ca. 350-315 BC (?)
... building works on the [City Eleusinion] and related structures by a priestess of the Thesmophoroi who was the wife of a deme member, and IG II3 4, 1057, honouring Neoptolemos, a ...
[Full inscription]

The Eleusinian Endowment

I Eleusis 489 Date: 168/9-169/70 AD?
... a temple in the City Eleusinion (cf. Agora XXXI, p. 48-51). The archon of the Eumolpidai (ll. 66-67) was administrative head of that genos. It is unclear why his counterp...
[Full inscription]

Thessalian League honours Titus Flavius Kyllos

SEG 25.211 Date: 157/8 AD
... stood in the nearby City Eleusinion (the Panhellenion had close ties with the Eleusinian cult). It remains in situ inside the wall and is not now visible.
[Full inscription]

Statue for Tiberius Claudius Iason Magnus

SEG 25.212 Date: 160/1-ca. 170 AD
... stood in the nearby City Eleusinion (the Panhellenion had close ties with the Eleusinian cult). It remains in situ inside the wall and is not now visible.
[Full inscription]

Decree to protest to Aitolian League, 367/6 BC

Agora XVI 48 Date: 367/6 BC
... was erected (in the city Eleusinion) at the initiative and expense of the Eleusinian officials rather than that of the Assembly. For decrees erected at the initiative of inter...
[Full inscription]