EM 12967: IG II3 1 885 Honours for the cavalry commander Komeas

EM 12969: Peek, Attische Inschriften, 9 no. 6b Honorific decree of Halai Aixonides

EM 12995: Agora XV 21 List of names, Council (?)

EM 13028: Follet, Décrets attiques 2 Divine honours for Julia Domna

EM 13038: SEG 50.168 The sacrificial calendar of the Marathonian Tetrapolis

EM 13044: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 5 Decree about tribute of Delian League ("Kleinias' decree")

EM 13045: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 5 Decree about tribute of Delian League ("Kleinias' decree")

EM 13067: IG II3 1 331 Honours for Nikostratos

EM 13069: AIO 310 Decree concerning Carthage

EM 13103: AIO 1191 Honours for foreigners who had supported democracy against the Thirty, 401/0 BC

EM 13120: IG II3 4 580 Dedication to Apollo Pythios at Myrrhinous

EM 13132: IG I3 1330 Gravestone of Myrrhine, first priestess of Athena Nike

EM 13142: IG II3 1 468 Honours for Apses and Hieron of Tyre

EM 13163: AIO 593 Sacrificial calendar of Erchia

EM 13179: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 3 Decree about Hestiaia

EM 13180: IG I3 969 Choregic dedication from Anagyrous

EM 13181: IG I3 256 Inscription regulating use of water from the Halykos spring (Lamptrai)

EM 13200: IG II3 4 341 Dedication by ephebes of Akamantis

EM 13215: AIO 2660 List of a board of archons

EM 13235: IG II2 3314 Sallustianus Demostratos honours Hadrian

EM 13254: IG I3 833bis Verse dedication by a [poet] commemorating a victory with a men's chorus

EM 13255: IG II3 4 106 Dedication of an allotment machine (kleroterion)

EM 13262: SEG 36.186 Decree of Aixone honouring the choregoi, Auteas and Philoxenides, 340/339 BC (?)

EM 13263: CGRN 25 Deme decree relating to cult at Paiania

EM 13266: IG II3 4 1585 Dedication to a goddess by a priest of Isis

EM 13279: IG II3 1 452 Honours for Peisitheides of Delos

EM 13280: AIO 2439 Assembly decrees restoring various sanctuaries and other public properties

EM 13281: IG II3 1 857 Honours for Philippides of Paiania

EM 13292: IG II3 1 871 Citizenship for King Audoleon

EM 13305: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 78 Casualty list of the Argives from the battle of Tanagra, 458 or 457 BC

EM 13306: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 78 Casualty list of the Argives from the battle of Tanagra, 458 or 457 BC

EM 13307: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 78 Casualty list of the Argives from the battle of Tanagra, 458 or 457 BC

EM 13308: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 78 Casualty list of the Argives from the battle of Tanagra, 458 or 457 BC

EM 13309: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 78 Casualty list of the Argives from the battle of Tanagra, 458 or 457 BC

EM 13310: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 78 Casualty list of the Argives from the battle of Tanagra, 458 or 457 BC

EM 13311: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 78 Casualty list of the Argives from the battle of Tanagra, 458 or 457 BC

EM 13312: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 78 Casualty list of the Argives from the battle of Tanagra, 458 or 457 BC

EM 13313: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 78 Casualty list of the Argives from the battle of Tanagra, 458 or 457 BC

EM 13315: IG II3 4 971 Dedication to Dionysos from Ikarion

EM 13316: IG II3 4 497 Choregic dedication from Ikarion

EM 13317: IG II3 4 222 Dedication by those responsible for the restoration of a statue of Dionysos (Ikarion)

EM 13319: AIO 2550 Decree of Ikarion honouring demarch

EM 13339: Rationes, Stele 3 Accounts of 1% tax on property transactions (Rationes Centesimarum)

EM 13342: IG II3 4 1132 Council decree on cult of Isis at Teithras and dedication of lattices

EM 13346 (previously Ag. I 6197): IG II3 1 1289 Honours for the prytany of Leontis

EM 13350 = Ag. I 397: AIO 2893 Dossier on the association of the musical artists of the Dancer

EM 13352: IG I3 247 Decree of an association of uncertain type (deme? komē?)

EM 13353: IG II3 4 1147 Dedication to the Eileithyiai by a mother

EM 13354: AIO 1968 Decrees of Akamantis awarding exemption from liturgies and honouring superintendent of ephebes

EM 13355: Matthaiou, Studies, 89-107 Decrees about the tribute of the Delian League ("Kleonymos' Decree")