EM 10657: IG II3 4 1 Dedication to Apollo by Athens and her allies
EM 10659: IG II3 4 431 Dedication to Hermes Enagonios by a victorious gymnasiarch, 338/7 BC
EM 10660: IG II3 4 32 Dedication by arbitrators, 337/6 BC
EM 10663: AIO 286 Tribal honours for taxiarch of Kekropis, 339/8 BC
EM 10664: AIO 286 Tribal honours for taxiarch of Kekropis, 339/8 BC
EM 10665: IG II3 4 357 Dedication to Hermes by ephebes (Piraeus)
EM 10666: IG II3 4 543 Victory dedication
EM 10667: IG II3 4 441 Choregic dedication for the City Dionysia, 375/4 BC
EM 10668: IG II3 4 441 Choregic dedication for the City Dionysia, 375/4 BC
EM 10669: IG II3 4 441 Choregic dedication for the City Dionysia, 375/4 BC
EM 10670: IG II3 4 502 Choregic dedication from Aigilia
EM 10671: IG II3 4 444 Choregic dedication of Diphilos for the City Dionysia
EM 10672: IG II3 4 519 Dedication by the competition-director, Xenokles of Sphettos
EM 10673: IG II3 4 534 Dedication by a competition-director
EM 10674: IG II3 4 595 Dedication commemorating a victory at the Eleusinia
EM 10676: IG II3 4 241 Dedication by epimeletai of a sanctuary (Piraeus)
EM 10679: AIO 871 Decree honouring Lykourgos of Boutadai
EM 10682: IG II2 3464 Statue base for Syeris, diakonos of Lysimache
EM 10696: IG II3 4 758 Dedication made in priesthood [of Asklepios] of Nikonides of Phlya
EM 10732: IG II3 4 119 Dedication by archon
EM 10734: IG II3 4 396 Dedication by a victor at the Theseia (pareutaktoi) and at the Epitaphia
EM 12187: IG II2 9160 Epitaphs of Andrikos and Telete
EM 12290: Follet, Décrets attiques 2 Divine honours for Julia Domna
EM 12350: IG II2 3315 Gaius Claudius Silianus honours Hadrian
EM 12365: IG I3 1032 List of crew of Athenian triremes
EM 12366: IG I3 1032 List of crew of Athenian triremes
EM 12367: IG II3 1 912 Alliance between Athens and Sparta
EM 12386: AIO 2882 Letters from Hadrian (and Plotina?) on the Epicurean Succession (125 AD)
EM 12388: IG II3 4 416 Dedication by an ephebic superintendent
EM 12394: Agora XV 492 List of names, Council or Samian cleruchy (?)
EM 12395: IG II3 4 393 Dedication by an (ephebic) Competition-director, 26/5 BC ?
EM 12398: IG II3 1 1179 Honours for two [Rhodians?]
EM 12399: IG II3 1 398 Proxeny for Euboeans
EM 12400: IG II3 1 1315 Honours for a merchant
EM 12404: IG II2 379 Decree honouring a military figure
EM 12408: Meyer, Metics, no. 28 List of manumissions in court
EM 12410: IG I3 501 Dedication of the spoils of victory over the Boeotians and Chalkidians
EM 12417: IG II3 1 302 Honours for Dioskourides of Abdera and his brothers
EM 12427: IG II3 4 602 Dedication by victor in equestrian disciplines
EM 12428: SEG 21.716 Altar for Hadrian
EM 12431: AIO 2687 List of names, prytany Kekropis (?)
EM 12469: IG II3 4 849 Poem on the duties of a doctor
EM 12548: SEG 21.730 Altar for Hadrian
EM 12560: SEG 2.7 Decree of Halimous honouring Charisandros
EM 12572: IG II3 1 462 Honours for men from the kingdom of the Cimmerian Bosporos
EM 12579: IG II3 1 1372 Honours for sacred delegates (theoroi) from Miletos
EM 12606: IG II3 4 202 Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
EM 12658: IG I3 13 Small Fragments
EM 12659: IG II3 4 272 Victory dedication [in the horse race?] at the Anakeia
EM 12665: I Rhamnous 179 Council decree on the cult of Agdistis at Rhamnous