Unknown: AIO 814 Alliance with Karystos, 357/6 BC

Unknown: IG II3 1 484 Honours for friends of the king and of Antipater

Unknown: RO 88 Dedication from Acharnai with military oaths

Unknown: IG II3 1 495 Proxeny for a man from Akragas (?)

Unknown: IG II3 1 511

Unknown: IG II3 1 554

Unknown: IG II3 1 388 On the affairs of Akanthos and Dion

Unknown: IG II3 1 418 Honours for Asklepiodoros

Unknown: IG II3 1 454 Honours for -das of Cos

Unknown: IG II3 1 304 Honours for the Pellanians

Unknown: IG II3 1 318 Treaty with Philip II

Unknown: IG II3 1 986 Honours for ephebes and their officials

Unknown: IG II3 1 892 Honours for the People of Tenedos

Unknown: IG II3 1 892 Honours for the People of Tenedos

Unknown: IG II3 1 1192

Unknown: IG II3 1 990 Honours for a foreigner

Unknown: IG II3 1 1008 Honours for the ephebes and officials

Unknown: IG II3 1 1038 Citizenship

Unknown: IG II3 1 1048 Honours for ephebes

Unknown: IG II3 1 387 Decree relating to Sestos

Unknown: IG II3 1 347 Honours for Amphis of Andros

Unknown: IG II3 1 498 Honorific decree

Unknown: IG II3 1 1186 Honours for -ios son of Androkydes of Berenikidai

Unknown: IG II3 1 527

Unknown: IG II3 1 540

Unknown: IG II3 1 1358 Citizenship decree

Unknown: IG II3 1 1390 Citizenship decree for sacred delegates (theoroi) from Miletos

Unknown: IG II3 1 1390 Citizenship decree for sacred delegates (theoroi) from Miletos

Unknown: IG II3 1 1260 Honours for the prytany of Akamantis

Unknown: IG II3 1 962 Citizenship

Unknown: IG II3 1 1360 Honours

Unknown: IG II3 1 1272 Honours for Pausim[achos], courtier of king Eumenes II

Unknown: IG II3 1 1296 Honours for the prytany of Attalis

Unknown: IG II3 1 1370 Decree

Unknown: IG II3 1 903 Honours for the priest of Zeus Soter

Unknown: IG II3 1 1010 Concerning dedications in the sanctuary of Asklepios

Unknown: IG II3 1 1010 Concerning dedications in the sanctuary of Asklepios

Unknown: IG II3 1 1016 Honours for ephebes and officials

Unknown: IG II3 1 1016 Honours for ephebes and officials

Unknown: IG II3 1 1016 Honours for ephebes and officials

Unknown: IG II3 1 898 Concerning dedications in the sanctuary of Asklepios

Unknown: IG II3 1 1010 Concerning dedications in the sanctuary of Asklepios

Unknown: IG II3 1 1020 Honours for the priest of Asklepios

Unknown: IG II3 1 1410 Decree

Unknown: IG II3 1 1372 Honours for sacred delegates (theoroi) from Miletos

Unknown: IG II3 1 1141 Proxeny for Apollas son of Tharrhynon [of Kolophon?]

Unknown: IG II3 1 1177 Honours for the prytany of Oineis

Unknown: IG II3 1 1216 Decree about Kyme

Unknown: IG II3 1 939 Citizenship for Alexander from Beroia in Macedon

Unknown: IG II3 1 517 Honorific decree