Unknown: IG II3 4 561 Victory dedication by a sponsor and director

Unknown: IG II3 4 565 Choregic dedication of four tribes for the City Dionysia

Unknown: IG II3 4 565 Choregic dedication of four tribes for the City Dionysia

Unknown: IG II3 4 566 Choregic dedication of the People for the City Dionysia

Unknown: IG II3 4 568 Choregic dedication of -odemos for the City Dionysia

Unknown: IG II3 4 568 Choregic dedication of -odemos for the City Dionysia

Unknown: IG II3 1 394 Honorific decree

Unknown: IG II3 4 1084 Dedication to Artemis and Dionysos from Halai Araphenides (?)

Unknown: AIUK 4.4 (BM, Accounts) no. 3 Inventory of the Pronaos, 426/5-423/2 BC and 414/3-411/0 BC

Unknown: IG II3 4 181 Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

Unknown: IG II3 4 621 Dedication commemorating a victory

Unknown: IG II3 4 621 Dedication commemorating a victory

Unknown: IG II3 4 602 Dedication by victor in equestrian disciplines

Unknown: IG II3 4 602 Dedication by victor in equestrian disciplines

Unknown: IG II3 4 530 Dedication by a competition-director

Unknown: IG II3 4 185 Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

Unknown: IG II3 4 185 Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

Unknown: IG II3 4 185 Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

Unknown: AIO 2662 Agreement regarding Salamis

Unknown: Agora XVI 342 Honours for an uncertain individual

Unknown: Agora XVI 342 Honours for an uncertain individual

Unknown: Agora XVI 342 Honours for an uncertain individual

Unknown: Agora XVI 342 Honours for an uncertain individual

Unknown: Follet, Décrets attiques 2 Divine honours for Julia Domna

Unknown: Follet, Décrets attiques 2 Divine honours for Julia Domna

Unknown: Follet, Décrets attiques 2 Divine honours for Julia Domna

Unknown: Follet, Décrets attiques 2 Divine honours for Julia Domna

Unknown: SEG 30.82 Honours for Marcus Ulpius Eubiotos and sons

Unknown: IG II2 2773 Endowment of Flavius Asklepiades

Unknown: Agora XV 43 List of names, Council, 335/4 BC

Unknown: Agora XV 48 List of names, prytany Oineis (?)

Unknown: Agora XV 52 List of names, prytany Leontis

Unknown: Agora XV 55 List of names, Antiochis

Unknown: Follet, Décrets attiques 2 Divine honours for Julia Domna

Unknown: SEG 39.148 Decree of Kydantidai and Ionidai

Unknown: Follet and Peppas Delmousou, Sardes et Synnada 1 Sardis honours Hadrian

Unknown: Follet and Peppas Delmousou, Sardes et Synnada 1 Sardis honours Hadrian

Unknown: Follet and Peppas Delmousou, Sardes et Synnada 1 Sardis honours Hadrian

Unknown: AIO 2847 Thyateira honours Hadrian

Unknown: AIO 2847 Thyateira honours Hadrian

Unknown: Follet, Athènes 126 n.3 Honours for Cornelius Pulcher

Unknown: AIO 2893 Dossier on the association of the musical artists of the Dancer

Unknown: AIO 2893 Dossier on the association of the musical artists of the Dancer

Unknown (Attica?): AIUK 12 (Great North Museum: Hancock) no. 1 Funerary stele of Pantakles

Unknown (cf. ed. princ. p. 293): SEG 21.519 Decree of Acharnai on constructing altars for Ares and Athena Areia

Unknown, formerly in Piraeus museum: AIO 1191 Honours for foreigners who had supported democracy against the Thirty, 401/0 BC

Unknown (formerly Karapanos collection): AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 78 Casualty list of the Argives from the battle of Tanagra, 458 or 457 BC

Unknown (fr. b): AIUK 1 (Petworth House) no. 1 Honours for the girls who worked on the robe for Athena (108/7 BC)

Unknown (fr. b): IG II3 4 3 Dedication of a statue of Democracy by the Council, 333/2 BC

Unknown (Hephasteion ?): IG II3 4 441 Choregic dedication for the City Dionysia, 375/4 BC