Clairmont, CAT 0.836 - Painted funerary stele for the son of Hermaios and Kollion

Clairmont, CAT 0.921 - Grave stele of Menekrates

Clairmont, CAT 1.258 - Funerary stele for [Th]eokles or [N]eokles

Clairmont, CAT 1.326 - Grave stele of Klearete

Clairmont, CAT 1.350a - Grave stele of Choirine

Clairmont, CAT 1.362 - Anthippasia dedication of Antiochis

Clairmont, CAT 1.365 - Grave stele of Stratios

Clairmont, CAT 1.366 - Grave stele of Hierokleia

Clairmont, CAT 1.367 - Grave stele of Aristomache

Clairmont, CAT 1.384 - Grave stele of Erasippos

Clairmont, CAT 1.455 - Grave stele of [De?]mo

Clairmont, CAT 1.630 - Grave stele of Xanthippos

Clairmont, CAT 1.819 - Funerary stele for Arkesis

Clairmont, CAT 1.867 - Grave stele of Timarete

Clairmont, CAT 1.969 - Grave stele of the nurse Melitta

Clairmont, CAT 2.209 - Epitaph of Dexileos, cavalryman killed in Corinthian war (394 BC)

Clairmont, CAT 2.209a - Grave stele of Aristokles

Clairmont, CAT 2.223a - Grave stele of Glykylla

Clairmont, CAT 2.273a - Funerary monument of Glauketes

Clairmont, CAT 2.283 - Funerary stele for Demochares and Hegelochos

Clairmont, CAT 2.284b - Grave stele of Archiades and Polemonikos

Clairmont, CAT 2.297 - Funerary stele for Euthykritos of Eitea

Clairmont, CAT 2.319b (ph.) - Funerary monument. Python of Oinoe and Philte

Clairmont, CAT 2.335a - Funerary stele of Philodemos and Lysimache

Clairmont, CAT 2.358c - Funerary stele for Chairippe daughter of Euphranor

Clairmont, CAT 2.374c (ph.) - Grave stele of Claudia Aphphein

Clairmont, CAT 2.377a - Funerary monument. Myttope with Myrrhine

Clairmont, CAT 2.384d - Lekythos of Ada

Clairmont, CAT 2.385d - Lekythos of Pytharatos and Herophilos

Clairmont, CAT 2.417b - Grave stele of Melantes and Menalkes

Clairmont, CAT 2.419 - Lekythos of Pamphilos and Archippe

Clairmont, CAT 2.423a - Grave stele of Theophile

Clairmont, CAT 2.786 - Grave stele of a woman

Clairmont, CAT 2.867a - Funerary lekythos [for a father and son?] from Epikephisia

Clairmont, CAT 2.868 - Funerary stele for Agatheia and Brithon

Clairmont, CAT 2.883a - Funerary monument for Moschos

Clairmont, CAT 2.890 - Funerary Monument of Phanostrate, Midwife and Doctor

Clairmont, CAT 3.220 - Lekythos of Hermotion(?)

Clairmont, CAT 3.234 - Lekythos of Hippyllos

Clairmont, CAT 3.366b - Grave stele of Demetria

Clairmont, CAT 3.369c - Funerary stele for Melisto and Epigenes

Clairmont, CAT 3.388b - Lekythos of Archagora

Clairmont, CAT 3.394a - Grave stele of a family from Sestos

Clairmont, CAT 3.410a - Grave stele of Kleo (?)

Clairmont, CAT 3.414a - Funerary naiskos of Metagenes

Clairmont, CAT 3.415a - Funerary naiskos of Aristeis

Clairmont, CAT 3.418 - Funerary naiskos of Archagora

Clairmont, CAT 3.777 - Funerary lekythos for Pyrrhos of Potamos and his wife

Clairmont, CAT 3.910 - Lekythos of Hedyle and Alkimachos

Clairmont, CAT 3.956 - Lekythos of Sosippos

Clairmont, CAT 3 p. 384 n. 3 - Fragment of funerary stele of Chairion

Clairmont, CAT 4.120 - Lekythos of Demostrate

Clairmont, CAT 4.322 - Lekythos of Mys, Philia, Metrodora and Meles

Clairmont, CAT 4.375 - Loutrophoros of Mnesimede

Clairmont, CAT 4.468 - Grave stele of a family from Xypete

Clairmont, CAT Suppl., p. 35, PE 53 - Grave stele of Eukleia

Clairmont, CAT 169 - Funerary stele for Aristoklea and another