Honours for the prytany treasurer of Kekropis, 24/3 or 21/0 BC

AIO 2801 Date: 24/3-20/19 BC
Fragment a (Agora XV 292 fr. a)
⟦ . . . ⟧ «[For good fortune, when the hoplite general] was Anti[patros]» ⟦ . . . ⟧ «[(son of Antipatros) of Phyla for the 3rd time]» [Since the prytaneis of Kekropis and those with perpetual dining rights in the] archonship of Apolexis (24/3 or 21/0),[1] [having praised and crowned him, present the treasurer], whom they chose from among 5 [themselves, Gorgippos son of Eudemos of Melite, and declare] to the Council that he [has made all the proper sacrifices to the gods in the] prytany from his own [resources, on behalf of the Council and the People of the Athenians and children] and women and the [friends and allies, and that he has also taken care of all the other things] and [has given forethought?] to the rest, [and that he has also behaved towards them brilliantly] and with love of goodness 10 . . . honour both in [ . . . conducted himself] worthily both of his personal [magnificence and his good will towards the prytaneis, and for] this they call on [the Council to allow them] to make [the dedication of a painted image of him] in [the Council chamber (?) and to inscribe the following: "The prytaneis of Kekropis (erect this image of) the treasurer] over themselves 15 . . .
Fragment b+c (Agora XV 290 and 292 fr. b)
Top row
col. 1
[The prytaneis (crown)] the treasurer in crown Gorgippos son of 20 Eudemos of [Me]li[te]
col. 2
[The prytaneis (crown)] the herald of the 25 Council in crown Oinophilos son of Syndromos 30 of Steiria[2]
col. 3
[The prytaneis] [(crown) the] hoplite general in crown 35 for the third time, Antipatros (son of Antipatros) of Phlya[1]
col. 4
40 [The prytaneis (crown)] [the treasurer] [of the Council] in crown . . . . . . 45 . . . . . . . . .
Middle row
col. 1
[Melite]:[3] [Gorgippos] 50 [son of Eudemos] . . . son of - Isidotos son of - 55 -os son of Markos . . . . . . son of Aristokrates 60 -ilos son of -oros Epineikos son of [Her]mogenes[4] [A]rtemidoros 65 son of A[th]enaios The[od]otos son of Glaukias -inetos (son of -inetos) Theodoros son of Epineikos [I]sidotos son of Epikles 70 but by birth of Paramon[5] (The prytaneis honour) the undersecretary Ptolemaios[6] Menandros son of 75 Menandros of Halai
col. 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . 80 . . . . . . . . . Epieikidai: Aristonikos 85 son of Philon Nik- son of -ros Melite: Kalleas son of 90 Amphias Demetrios son of Philippos Phanodikos [(son of Phanodikos)]
col. 3
. . . 95 . . . . . . Leukios - Eud- son of - Leos[thenes? son of -] 100 Alexandros [son of -] Phidias [son of -] Dionysios son of Zen- Sokrates [(son of Sokrates)] 105 Leukios son of Hele[nos?] or Lucius Hele[nus?] Menandros son of [One]tor Kallikles son of Se[leu]kos Isidotos son of Par-[5] 110 Dionysodoros son of -os
col. 4
. . . . . . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Sosikrates (son of Sosikrates) Halai: Nikolaos (son of Nikolaos) Nikophon (son of Nikophon) Melite: 125 Gnaios Potheinos[7] Athenaios son of Demetrios
Bottom row
col. 2
The prytaneis (crown) 130 the secretary in crown . . . . . . . . . of 135 Sounion[8] uninscribed space
col. 3
The prytaneis (crown) the treasurer [of the] military fund, in crown [Ale]- 140 xan- dros son of Agathokles of 145 Leukonoion[9] uninscribed space
col. 4
The prytaneis (crown) the eponymous in crown Ariston son 150 of Sosistratos of- Athmonia[10]