600 BC-400 AD: IG II3 4 1128 - Dedication to Osiris

600 BC-400 AD: IG II3 4 1137 - Dedication to Sarapis etc.

600 BC-400 AD: IG II3 4 1127 - Dedication to Sarapis and the Egyptian gods

500 BC-300 AD: IG II3 4 16 - Dedication to Hermes Propylaios

500 BC-300 AD: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 12 - Funerary monument (?)

480 BC-200 BC: Choix de Delphes 15 - Athenian dedication on the Marathon Base at Delphi

400 BC-250 BC: IG II2 2721 - Boundary marker of a mortgaged house

400 BC-201 BC: IG II3 4 646 - [Dedication by?] a group of orgeones

400 BC-201 BC: IG II3 4 647 - Dedication by religious officials

400 BC-201 BC: IG II3 4 648 - Dedication by religious officials

400 BC-200 BC: IG II3 1 571 -

400 BC-200 BC: IG II3 1 572 -

400 BC-200 BC: IG II3 4 96 - Dedication

400 BC-200 BC: IG II3 4 239 - Dedication commemorating honours (Acharnai)

400 BC-200 BC: I Eleusis 123 - Fragmentary decree from Eleusis honouring [a son of?] Timok[rates?] of Kerameis

400 BC-174 BC: IG II3 4 308 - Lampadedromia dedication, 175/4 BC

400 BC-130 AD: IG II3 4 1901 - Seat of the priest of Antinoos in the theatre of Dionysos at Athens

400 BC-300 AD: IG II3 4 1104 - Dedication to Artemis Kolainis (city?)

357 BC-100 AD: IG II3 4 2 - Dedication to the Twelve Gods by the Council of 357/6 BC

350 BC-250 BC: IG II3 4 95 - Dedication by a basileus

350 BC-200 BC: IG II3 1 1119 -

350 BC-200 BC: I Eleusis 122 - Decree of tribe Hippothontis

350 BC-200 BC: IG II3 1 530 -

350 BC-200 BC: I Eleusis 189 - Decree of deme Eleusis

350 BC-150 BC: IG II3 1 1134 - Honorific decree?

350 BC-100 BC: IG II3 4 1748 - Small sacrificial regulation for [Apollo Pythios?]

350 BC-100 BC: IG II3 4 1750 - Small sacrificial regulation for [Apollo Pythios?]

350 BC-100 BC: IG II3 4 1747 - Small sacrificial regulation for Herakles

350 BC-100 BC: IG II3 4 1749 - Small sacrificial regulation

335 BC-250 BC: CGRN 103 - Decree concerning Eleusinian cults at Phrearrhioi

335 BC-235 BC: IG II3 4 351 - Dedication (ephebic?)

325 BC-250 BC: IG II3 1 1132 - Honorific decree

320 BC-200 BC: IG II3 1 1133 -

307 BC-223 BC: IG II3 4 97 - Dedication by a board of officials

300 BC-250 BC: IG II3 4 1585 - Dedication to a goddess by a priest of Isis

300 BC-250 BC: IG II3 4 19 - Dedication at Delphi

300 BC-250 BC: IG II3 4 594 - Dedication commemorating victories by the kitharode, Nikokles, in Panhellenic festivals

300 BC-230 BC: IG II3 1 1118 - Honours for a Spartan (?)

300 BC-201 BC: IG II3 4 1144 - Dedication to Eileithyia by a mother

300 BC-201 BC: IG II3 4 595 - Dedication commemorating a victory at the Eleusinia

300 BC-201 BC: IG II3 4 302 - Bench dedicated by a general

300 BC-201 BC: IG II3 4 305 - Bench dedicated by a general (?)

300 BC-201 BC: IG II3 4 328 - Dedication by a phylarch to Hermes (Dafni)

300 BC-201 BC: IG II3 4 303 - Dedication by soldiers at Rhamnous

300 BC-201 BC: IG II3 4 304 - (Military?) dedication

300 BC-201 BC: IG II3 4 535 - Dedication by a competition-director?

300 BC-201 BC: IG II3 4 536 - Dedication by an (ephebic?) competition-director

300 BC-201 BC: IG II3 4 596 - Dedication commemorating victories at the Dionysia and Panathenaia

300 BC-201 BC: IG II3 4 534 - Dedication by a competition-director

300 BC-201 BC: IG II3 4 1143 - Dedication to Eileithyia by a father