302 Results for "Eleusis"
Displaying 211 - 240
211.Divine honours for Julia Domna
Follet, Décrets attiques 2 Date: 197 AD?
... ll. 11-13 with note, I Eleusis 489, ll. 17, 48-49), apparently the decree's proposer. It also has features of a normal decree, such as a motivation c...
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Decree of Halai Araphenides honouring two non-members of the deme
AIO 2588 Date: ca. 350-325 BC
... 1214, ll. 11-13, Piraeus; I Eleusis 99, ll. 20-23, Eleusis; IG II2 1204, ll. 12-17, Lamptrai). On the other hand praise for their justice (dikaiosyne...
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Honours for Tiberius Claudius Attikos of Marathon and Vibullia Alkia
Agora XV 322 Date: ca. 120-130 AD
... Agora (IG II2 3595), at Eleusis (I Eleusis 460), and with seats in the Theatre of Dionysos for him and Alkia (IG II3 4, 1989, 2020). He was also hono...
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Decree of [Eumolpidai] honouring Aristokles of Perithoidai, the hierophant
I Eleusis 233 Date: ca. 149/8 BC
... the same decree as I Eleusis 234 (Clinton. From l. 15 of that inscription it is clear that one of the three copies of it was set up in the City Eleus...
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Statue base for Regilla
Agora XVIII 379 Date: 160-161 AD
... Atticus was implicated (see I Eleusis 476, which this inscription imitates). Philostratos Vit. Soph. 2.1.6 seems to place the death during Regilla’s ...
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[Dedication by?] a group of orgeones
IG II3 4 646 Date: 4th-3rd cent. BC
... that it probably originated in Eleusis, and that Phokiades son of Teisias (4) was a relation of Teisias son of Phokiades of Eleusis, at IG II3 1, 101...
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Honours for Neoptolemos of Melite
IG II3 4 1057 Date: ca. 330 BC
... public works” (see also I Eleusis 93), and he was honoured in this decree as manager of the sanctuary of Artemis Aristoboule in the substantial urban...
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Divine honours for the Severans
AIO 2734 Date: 197 AD?
... ll. 11-13 with note; I Eleusis 489, ll. 17, 48-49). His advice was probably necessary because this decree altered several Athenian religious observan...
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Building dedication and choregic dedication of Dionysodoros for Asklepios
IG II3 4 556 Date: A: 9 BC – 14 AD; B: ca. 80 AD
... daughter, with a statue at Eleusis (I Eleusis 329-330). His family is attested from the late second century BC and became prominent in the first cent...
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Dedication to Eileithyia on behalf of Julia Rufina
AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 6 Date: ca. 150 AD
... honoured with a statue at Eleusis erected by her husband, C. Julius Musonius of Steiria, I Eleusis 633. The family belonged to the Athenian elite of ...
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Thyateira honours Hadrian
AIO 2847 Date: 128-132 AD
... IG II3 4, 215-218, I Eleusis 489).
[5] Ll. 14-18 are the fullest account of the procedure by which the Panhellenion was established. The initiative...
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Statue base of Polyllos
AIUK 4.5 (BM, Dedications) no. 25 Date: 350-300 BC?
... offspring (compare, for example, I Eleusis 110, a fourth-century dedication from Eleusis, in which siblings commemorate their brother; and, at a much...
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Honours for Marcus Ulpius Eubiotos and sons
SEG 30.82 Date: ca. 230 AD
... (IG II2 3702-3703, probably I Eleusis 644), as well as bases for his parents (IG II2 3695) and for his mother (IG II2 3696). The date is based on pro...
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Decree of a deme
IG II2 1215 Date: ca. 320-280 BC
... decrees outside the garrisons of Eleusis and Rhamnous, and not found within the ancient city of Athens, datable to the 3rd century BC (on this see th...
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Statue base for Julia Domna
AIUK 7 (Chatsworth) no. 2 Date: after 195 AD
... it was set up at Eleusis. (It was seen there by a British traveller in the early nineteenth century; in 1824 it was acquired by Sir Augustus Clifford...
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Apollonia honours Marcus Aurelius
I Eleusis 495 Date: 172-175 AD
... aiding in the restoration of Eleusis following its sack by the Costobocs in 170 AD (I Eleusis 494, 515-516). Apollonia (modern Susah, Libya) was orig...
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List of participants in the first Augustan Dodekais at Delphi
F.Delphes III 2 59 Date: 30/29-26/5 BC (30/29 BC?)
... descent and priesthoods (cf. I Eleusis 300 with notes and S. Lambert in M. Horster and A. Kloeckner (eds.), Civic Priests, 87-92). The revival of the...
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Honours for the herald of the Council and People and the prytany of Erechtheis
Agora XV 286 Date: ca. 45-25 BC
... served as hoplite general (I Eleusis 295) and may have been the first Athenian priest of Augustus around 27 BC (I Eleusis 297; K. Clinton in M. C. Ho...
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Honours for the prytany treasurer of Ptolemais
SEG 28.95 Date: ca. 30 BC
... became more important (cf. I Eleusis 300 with notes; S. D. Lambert in M. Horster and A. Klöckner, Civic Priests, 2012, 89-92), signs of which appear ...
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Sacrificial calendar of a private association (?)
AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 2 Date: ca. ii AD
... focus on gods associated with Eleusis (see n. 2). The group apparently chose to arrange and record their activities in the form of a Classical-period calendar. This sort of archais...
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Catalogue of ephebes, 61/2 AD
IG II2 1990 Date: 61/2 AD
... order” at Athens (e.g. I Eleusis 489, ll. 43-44 and SEG 24.200 of the late second and early third centuries respectively). If these individuals are Areopagites in this sense, ...
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Statue base for Quintus Statius Themistokles of Cholleidai
IG II2 3704 Date: Mid-iii AD
... of the dedicants of I Eleusis 502.
[4] Important official of the imperial treasury.
[5] For the keyholder and fire-bearer (kleidouchos kai pyrphoros) of Asklepios, see ...
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Letter from Hadrian to the Achaian League
Oliver, Constitutions 78 Date: 126 AD
... in the Athenian sanctuary at Eleusis: IG II3 4, 219). Hadrian's titulature indicates that the letter dates to 126 AD (B, l. 58). It is thus likely that the honours were passed in ...
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List of names, prytany Akamantis, 338/7 BC
Agora XV 39 Date: 338/7 BC
... secretary to the epistatai of Eleusis 332/1-329/8 BC and dedicator to Zeus Philios with a Kallias after mid-iv BC. Several men in Thorikos at this period bore the common name Diony...
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Letters from Plotina and Hadrian on the Epicurean Succession (121 AD)
SEG 55.250 Date: 121 AD
... inscribed Imperial letters, see I Eleusis 513.
Epicureanism was a philosophical movement established by Epicurus at the end of the fourth century BC; in Roman times it was regularly...
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Decree concerning the festival (of Hephaistos?)
AIO 1304 Date: 421/0 BC
... in the Theseion at I Eleusis 85, ll. 27-28 and Ath. Pol. 62.1. There are, however, other possible explanations for the reference to "demesmen" here (compare for example th...
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Statue base (?) for Marcus Ulpius Eubiotos
IG II2 3697 Date: ca. 230 AD
... Eubiotos (IG II2 3698-3699, I Eleusis 644), his sons (IG II2 3701-3703), and his parents (IG II2 3695-3696), most of which are linked with this decree. A throne for him in the thea...
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Apollonia honours Hadrian
IG II2 3306 Date: ca. 132 AD
... ktistes (founder or builder). I Eleusis 495 shows that the city subsequently became a member of the Panhellenion (on which, see IG II3 4, 215 with notes).
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Decree of tribe Hippothontis honouring Phanodemos of Thymaitadai
Bardani and Matthaiou, Tιμαί Φανοδήμου, 1 Date: Ca. 340-325 BC
... decrees of Hippothontis cf. I Eleusis 63 with notes.
[2] Alternatively "five hundred" may be a number of medimnoi of grain donated by Phanodemos to his tribe. While references to...
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Statue base for Agathos Daimon, Pupienus Maximus, and Agathe Tyche
IG II2 3703 Date: ca. 230 AD
... 3702) or prostates (protector, I Eleusis 630). The status designation "the most brilliant" (lamprotatos) translates the Latin vir clarissimus to which Roman senators were entitled. Pu...
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