Honours for Marcus Ulpius Eubiotos and sons

SEG 30.82 Date: ca. 230 AD
[of which he gave] two hundred [and fifty] thousand (denarii), and in . . . [1] . . . and having voluntarily undertaken the competition directorship of the [Panathenaia] munificently . . . . . . indicating his absolutely unsurpassed good will towards the city, which he inherited from [his ancestors] [and] a bronze [statue of them] shall be erected at their own expense in the meeting-chamber of the Sacred Gerousia and in the city hall,[2] and 5 [two inscribed stone stelai] shall be erected next to them, which will pass these things down in eternal memory to posterity, and he and [his] [sons], the mighty Ulpius Teisamenos and Pupienus Maximus shall have dining rights in the Tholos and the city hall with double portions[3] [and] [a crown at] all games and festivals, and priority seating shall be assigned to him at these games, and a throne for the priority seating given to him and his sons shall be placed in the [theatre] and inscribed with his name [in] Oineis' row, the third, by the interpreters and prophets;[4] he and his mighty sons Ulpius Teisamenos and Pupienus Maximus shall receive the status for their property 10 [of tax-freedom] that comes with the throne, and their money [shall be released] from dues in the city and in the whole of Attica and the subject islands,[5] and he and his sons the mighty Teisamenos and Maximus shall also share in the invitation to the Dionysiac contests, which was even in the time of our ancestors considered [in exchange for benefactions to be] in proportion, although it was held by men who provided from their private means with good will but not equivalently to the benefactions of this man to the city, and he shall also be invited into the theatre by the prytaneis always for priority seating and a share in sacrifices and [libations] 15 in all processions and assemblies that take place – he and his sons the mighty Ulpius Teisamenos and Pupienus Maximus, and he and his sons shall be among those who have permanent dining rights, on the terms with which they are assigned to the hierophant (?) . . . [6] . . . both when (games) are held by the city and (when they are held) through love of honour . . . . . . daily, whenever he should wish, and if he should wish, - having let him . . . . . . brilliance and requital through grants of citizenship at Athens (?) . . . [7] 20 . . . [to preserve] the decree for all time and the [honours] for the most brilliant consular, if anyone . . . to the interpreters and prophets and those in charge of the sacred allocation[8] . . . [the chairman of the presiding committee (said), “whoever thinks ] [that what has been read out should come into force], raise your hand.” Everyone raised (their hands). “And whoever (thinks it) should not, [raise your hand.” No one raised (his hand).[9] Decided] [by the People]. And in the same month, 25th (day), Aurelius [Hermonax, herald of the Areopagos Council] having announced the proposal, [in the meeting-chamber of the] council, the chairman put the question. [The Areopagos Council decided][10] 25 [to praise the] most brilliant consular, the eponymous archon, Marcus Ulpius Eubiotos [Leuros of Gargettos, having been a benefactor to the] [citizens privately and] the city collectively and having saved it in a great crisis [with grain funds, to which he gave in total] two hundred and fifty thousand (denarii), beyond the profusion of wheat, [which he also gave] during the [famine, neither providing it in exchange for] [grain funds, nor] having charged money, and having [voluntarily undertaken] to be competition director of [the Great] Panathenaia and omitted [no] excess of goodwill for his fatherland in any respect, [statues shall be erected in the meeting-chamber and] 30 the city hall and stelai shall be set up next to the statues of him [in the meeting-chamber and city hall, in accordance with] the proposal which the Council formulated about these things,[11] and he and his mighty sons [Marcus Ulpius Flavius Teisamenos and Pupienus] Maximus shall be honoured with [dining rights] in the Tholos and in the city hall with a double portion, and [with a crown] at games [and festivals], and he [shall have priority seating] in those games – also his sons the mighty (Marcus Ulpius Flavius Teisamenos and Pupienus Maximus) – and in the theatre of Dionysos 1-3 lines lost
Fragment a+d
35 . . . and he and his mighty sons [shall also be entitled to] [be invited into the Theatre of Dionysos always for priority seating and a share of the distributions] of the libations [and sacrifices, which happen] in all the processions [and sacrifices and they shall share in the perpetual dining right] as much and in the same way as the [hierophant] [and the dadouch], and [it has been granted to] him [and his mighty sons before games] when they are held [by] the city [and when (they are held) through the] love of honour [of private individuals, always, to be invited in by the prytaneis] and if he should wish, with – having let him 40 . . . shall write first . . . the [requital] through grants of citizenship at Athens . . . after . . . [a throne for him and] his sons the mighty (Marcus Ulpius Flavius Teisamenos and Pupienus Maximus) [shall be placed] [in the third row by the interpreters and] prophets [and it shall be inscribed with the proposal (?) of the interpreters] and prophets, (and) [they shall receive the tax-freedom that] comes with the throne [in accordance] with this . . . . . . [Council of the] 500’s behalf [the honours for] the most brilliant 45 [consular, given by the] board [and the whole city] shall be inscribed . . . first . . . . . . the current (treasurers) of the sacred allocation . . . shall choose six, and shall pass a memorandum . . . [priest firebearer] from the Acropolis Titus Flavius . . . . . . of Apollo . . . 50 . . . the priest firebearer