302 Results for "Eleusis"
Displaying 271 - 300
271.Law about the harvest and export of olive oil ("Hadrian's law")
AIO 2883 Date: 124/5 AD or later
... law and life (see I Eleusis 513 with notes). On Hadrian and Athens, see IG II2 5185 with notes. For earlier Athenian laws see AIO 819 with notes.
This law requires cul...
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Letter from Hadrian to the Athenians
IG II2 1101 Date: 129 AD
... inscribed Imperial letters, see I Eleusis 513.
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Dedication of measuring vessel by city guardians (astynomoi)
IG II3 4 124 Date: early i AD
... II3 1, 1300), the Piraeus, Eleusis and on the acropolis (cf. SEG 66.125; Agora XVI 322, ll. 8-9). For a measure discovered near the library of Hadrian see Arch. Delt. 54, 1999, ...
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Letter from Emperor Commodus
I Eleusis 513 Date: 183-190 AD
... Oliver, Constitutions 245.
Gallienus: I Eleusis 655.
Roman magistrates: J. H. Oliver, Hesperia 10, 1941, p. 78, n. 3, IG II2 3194, I Eleus. 489, ll. 32-44, IG II2 1113.
Unknown: AIUK 4.3A,...
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Dedication by a victor in Panhellenic festivals
IG II3 4 607 Date: 1st cent. AD
... The Rarian plain is at Eleusis, and alludes here to a victory at the Eleusinia, on which see IG II3 4, 579; IG I3 5, with notes.
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Decrees of Athenian Assembly and Kollytos, 327/6 BC
Matthaiou, Nέο θραῦσμα, 91-93 Date: 327/6 BC
... not wholly unparalleled, cf. I Eleusis 229; RO 89; perhaps Kourouniotes 1927 no. 3; and on the tendency for intramural demes to be more integrated with polis structures than their r...
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Endowment of Akousilaos
Puech, Orateurs 1 Date: ca. 112-114 AD
... for the gymnasia; (3) I Eleusis 489, after 168/9 AD, regarding an annual distribution at the Eleusinian Mysteries; (4) SEG 21.510, ca. 175-200 AD, regarding an annual distrib...
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Dedication by the prytany of Hippothontis
IG II3 4 220 Date: iii cent. AD
... Hippothontis was probably situated in Eleusis: see U. Kron, Die zehn attischen Phylenheroen (1976), 180-85. Instead it was inscribed on a rock face on the island of Salamis (the identity o...
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Decree honouring a military figure
IG II2 379 Date: After ca. 304 BC
... of mercenaries (cf. e.g. I Eleusis 196, l. 94). Archippos was the name of both the archon of 321/0 and that of 318/7 BC. Tracy, ADT 168 (SEG 45.84), identifies the inscriber as ...
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Dedication by the People to the Two Goddesses
IG II3 4 5 Date: ca. 330-310 BC
... for lustral water (photo: I Eleusis Pl. 41). It belongs in a pair with IG II3 4, 6. The two statues will perhaps have stood either side of the processional way leading to the Tel...
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Athenian soldiers serving at Rhamnous honour their general
I Rhamnous 10 Date: 252/1 BC
... I Rhamnous 3 and I Eleusis 182.
[3] It is clear that this is a decree of all the Athenians stationed at Rhamnous as soldiers, which are revealed as a corporate group...
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Lampadedromia dedication
IG II3 4 317 Date: late ii BC – early i BC
... the tribe of Ptolemais (I Eleusis 207; J. D. Mikalson, Religion in Hellenistic Athens, 1998, 178‒9). The “foreign residents” (paroikoi) are probably mercenaries; in IG II3 4, 3...
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List of a board of archons
AIO 2660 Date: 9 BC – ca. 75 AD, probably 40s AD
... from autopsy by Clinton, I Eleusis II, p. 328), rather than C. P. Jones, Phoenix 32 (1978) 222-228 (= SEG 28.192) and G. Bowersock ANSP 2002, 11-16 (= SEG 56.210bis), who read -...
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Statue base for the hearth-initiate Praxagora
I Eleusis 511 Date: Ca. 180-185 AD
... this family, see Clinton, I Eleusis II, p. 398; Byrne, Roman Citizens, Stemma VIII.
[6] Of the Mysteries.
[7] The fact that Praxagora is being crowned by children "in front o...
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Dedication by an ephebe, 53/2 BC
IG II3 4 382 Date: 53/2 BC
... prominent, cf. Athenian Onomasticon; I Eleusis 300.
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Rhamnous honours its demarch (?)
AIO 844 Date: 263/2 BC
... see Pausanias 8.2.3 and I Eleusis 28a n. 6.
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Decree of tribe Hippothontis
I Eleusis 122 Date: Ca. 350-200 BC
... decrees of Hippothontis see I Eleusis 63, with notes. This small fragment of a decree seems to envisage legal proceedings. On meetings (agorai) of the tribes see N. F. Jones, The A...
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Endowment of Flavius Asklepiades
IG II2 2773 Date: ca. 240-260 AD
... benefiting the Areopagos, and I Eleusis 491 seems to regulate an endowment for Eleusinian priests. This endowment is an example of the way the Areopagites were marked off as a privil...
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Letters from Hadrian (and Plotina?) on the Epicurean Succession (125 AD)
AIO 2882 Date: 125 AD
... inscribed Imperial letters, see I Eleusis 513 with notes).
[2] The second and longer letter of this dossier is addressed to one Heliodoros, who appears to have succeeded Popillius Th...
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Alliance with Peloponnesian cities following battle of Mantinea, 362/1 BC
AIO 811 Date: 362/1 BC
... relief); the two goddesses of Eleusis represent the other potent pole of Attic religion, with its Mysteries and their broad Panhellenic appeal; the Twelve (Olympian) Gods were obvi...
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Choregic dedication of Diodoros for the Thargelia, 355/4 BC
IG II3 4 487 Date: 355/4 BC
... tribe Hippothontis implied by I Eleusis 67.
[2] On Eukles, cf. IG II3 4, 480.
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Fragment of a sacrificial calendar
AIO 1303 Date: 475-450 BC
... for the Kerykes in I Eleusis 300 l. 10, cf. our ll. 14-15. However, given the fragmentary nature of the text this can be no more than an intriguing possibility.
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Letters from and to the artists of Dionysos
IG II2 1348 Date: ca. 132-150 AD
... inscribed Imperial letters, see I Eleusis 513 with notes. On the artists, see IG II2 1320 and AIUK 4.3A (BM Decrees) 9, with notes; SEG 33.139 is another fragmentary letter from Hadria...
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Funerary monument of Pythion of Megara
IG I3 1353 Date: 446-ca. 425 BC
... after advancing no further than Eleusis and Thria (Thuc. 1.114.1-2). Andokides, grandfather of the orator of the same name, was involved, not long after these events, in making the 3...
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Honours for Philoxenos
AIO 2637 Date: ca. 53-67 AD
... II2 1091 and probably I Eleusis 489), the ephebes (SEG 50.155), the ecumenical technitai of Dionysos (AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees), no. 9), and private associations (e.g. IG II2 1...
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List of names, prytany Hippothontis
SEG 28.152 Date: ca. 340-330 BC
... the sanctuary of Hippothoon at Eleusis.
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Council decree on repairs to Rhamnous fortress
I Rhamnous 423 Date: 74/3 - ca. 63 BC
... (ca. 24/3-20/1 BC): (10) I Eleusis 300 honouring the dadouch for reforms to the Eleusinian cult; (11-12) SEG 47.143a-b, regarding a dispute over land in the Athenian cleruchies ...
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Dossier on M. Ulpius Eurykles’ service as Panhellene
OGIS 504-507 Date: 157 AD
... inscribed Imperial letters, see I Eleusis 513), and Text B from the archon of the Panhellenion and the Panhellenes of the 156/7-160/1 AD session to the League of the Greeks of Asia (se...
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Statue base for the hierophant Glaukos
I Eleusis 646 Date: Ca. 235 AD
... For this expression, cf. I Eleusis 502, 27, and 649, 12.
[4] A revelation from the blessed dead, whose initiation in the Eleusinian Mysteries ensured them of a good afterlife...
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List of participants in the fifth Augustan Dodekais at Delphi
F.Delphes III 2 63 Date: 21/0-1 BC (13/12-9/8 BC?)
... first century BC (see I Eleusis 300 with notes).
[4] On Eukles, Polykritos, Diotimos, and Gorgippos, see F.Delphes III 2, 59 with notes. On Aristos, see F.Delphes III 2, ...
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