302 Results for "Eleusis"
Displaying 61 - 90
61.Assembly decrees restoring various sanctuaries and other public properties
AIO 2439 Date: ca. 75 - ca. 50 BC or ca. 30 - 10 BC... (episkeuen) of the sanctuary at Eleusis, similarly also what has been set aside
... with the ... priestess ... levying in silver (argurologousa) the first-fruits (aparchen) ...
List of ephebes participating in the second Hellenistic Pythais at Delphi, 128/7 BC
F.Delphes III 2 24 + Add. pp. 289–290 Date: 128/7 BC... (the general) in charge of Eleusis was Epiphanes son of Hippakos of Lamptrai,
the interpreter chosen by the Pythian oracle (exegetou puthochrestou) was Ophelas son of Habron ...
Decree of tribe Hippothontis for the priest of Asklepios
IG II2 1163 Date: 284/3 BC... Phyleus son of Chairias of Eleusis
for his piety towards
the gods and justice and
love of honour (philotimias) for the tribe members
(20) and the At...
Decree of tribe Hippothontis honouring Metagenes of Eroiadai
I Eleusis 67 Date: Mid-4th cent. BC ?... ...
Eleusis () ...
Honours for Antonius Oxylos of Elis, 99/100 AD
IG II2 1072 Date: 99/100 AD... was secretary, sacred Council at Eleusis.
Of the presiding committee, Herakleitos of Piraeus was putting to the vote and his fellow members of the presiding committee. The hoplite ...
Decree honouring a public slave
Oliver, Honours for a Public Slave, 119-121 Date: 302/1 BC... -os of Athmonon, Antikles of Eleusis, Theodoros
of Oinoe, Philinos of Aigilia. The People
decided. -ides son of Chariton of Myrrhinous proposed:
about ...
On the boundaries of the sacred tract
IG II3 1 292 Date: 352/1 BC... stelai and stand one at Eleusis by the
gateway (propuloi) of the sanctuary (hierou), the other in the Eleusinion in the city;
and the hierophant and the pri...
Honours for an allied city
IG II3 1 414 Date: Ca. 340 BC...
of Eleusis proposed: since ...
to the Athenian People ...
towards the People ...
(5) they brought to the market (enporion) ...
they resol...
Dedication to Demeter and Kore, 357/6 BC
IG II3 4 57 Date: 357/6 BC... Euktemonides son of Amphi- of Eleusis
dedicated this to the two goddesses,
having been crowned by the People and the
Council and the prytany
(5) of Hippotho...
Catalogue of ephebes, 165/6 AD
Wilson, Ephebic Inscriptions E.216 Date: AD 165/6... the cohort (stratia) marches to Eleusis, and who did
(10) not. No one raised (any objection). Herodes said, “Ephebes, while I am here,
you will not lack white cloaks (chl...
Rhamnous honours Dikaiarchos of Thria
AIO 837 Date: 235/4 BC... father was in charge at Eleusis
he was praised and crowned by both the Eleusinians and the other
Athenians living in the fort; and again when he was
(15) ...
Decree of a thiasos of Bendis on Salamis (251/0 BC)
SEG 59.152 Date: 251/0 BC...
of Eleusis (vac.) priest.
(Row 1)
(In crown)
(In crown)
(In crown)
(Row 2)
(In c...
Dedication commemorating victories at the [Eleusinia?] and the Panathenaia
IG II3 4 584 Date: before 350 BC... -los son of Promachos of Eleusis
dedicated (this) having been victorious with a pair of horses (sunoridi) at the
Eleusinia, at the Great Panathenaia.
Funerary stele for Melisto and Epigenes
AIUK 5 (Lyme Park) no. 2 Date: ca. mid-4th cent. BC... Epigenes son of Mikrion of Eleusis.
Dedication to Hermes by ephebes (Piraeus)
IG II3 4 357 Date: 196/5 BC and ca. 130 BC... Xenokrates son of Artemidoros of Eleusis
Athenion son of Biottos of Perithoidai
(5) Xenon son of Xenokles of Kropidai
Nikokrates son of Zoïlos of Phlya
Honours for ephebes and their officials
IG II3 1 986 Date: 257/6 BC... Philostratos son of Diophantos of Eleusis
Speusippos son of Alexion of Azenia
Euthykritos son of Theainetos of Acherdous
Autodikos son of Archestratos of Oio...
Honours for the prytany of Akamantis
IG II3 1 1260 Date: 193/2 BC... the presiding committee Epixenos of Eleusis was putting to the vote and his fellow presiding committee members. The Council
decided. - son of - of Rhamnous proposed: since the p...
Sacrificial regulation for the cult of Asklepios and associated deities at Piraeus
IG II3 4 1773 Date: Early iv BC (Face A); iv BC (Face B, C, D)...
of Eleusis,
priest of Asklepios,
erected the stelai
(15) by the altars,
on which (stelai) he first depicted
Archippos of Thasos granted citizenship
IG II3 1 333 Date: 334/3 and 333/2 BC...
of Eleusis (VIII) , Niki- of - (IX or X) .
-es son of Aristarchos of Ph- proposed:
(40) concerning the petition which Archippos is deem...
Dedication by pre-ephebes (mellepheboi), 95/4 BC
IG II3 4 373 Date: 95/4 BC... Eudoxos son of Eudoxos of Eleusis
Demetrios son of Demetrios of Antioch
Zopyros son of Amphikrates of Phlya
Alexandros son of Iakchos of Adana
Catalogue of ephebes, 255/6 AD
IG II2 2245 Date: AD 255/6... Proculus for the Antinoeia in Eleusis
(175) Ptolemaios for the Asklepeia
Dexippos for the Antoneia for Marcus
Hilaros (and) Athenagoras for the
Honours for the ephebes of 204/3 and their officers
IG II3 1 1176 Date: 203/2 BC...
Eleusis, in order that everything relating to the gods should be handled piously, and rendered
service (leleitourgekasin) also in the Mysteri...
Honours for ephebes and officials
IG II3 1 1016 Date: 245/4 BC... Teisias son of Phokiades of Eleusis
Polydoros son of Rhodon of Thymaitadai
Aiantis (XI)
Sokrates son of Themistios of Phaleron
The Council,
Dedication by the prytany of Aigeis and four tribal decrees, 341/0 BC
IG II3 4 76 Date: 341/0 BC... (hieropoiesantas) at the Mysteries at Eleusis
and to crown each of them with a foliage crown for their excellence (aretes) and justice (dikaiosunes) towards
(85) the tribesme...
Honours for the archon Euthios
IG II3 1 881 Date: 282/1 BC... Oinokrates son of Oinobios of Eleusis was putting to the vote
and his fellow presiding committee members. The
People decided. Agyrrhios son of Kallimedon
Honours for the prytany treasurer of Hippothontis
SEG 28.92 Date: 40s BC... of -
Aulos son of -
Honours for a man from Taras
IG II3 1 1230 Date: Ca. 205 BC...
... of Eleusis was putting to the vote, and his fellow presiding committee members.
-s son of Theotimos of - proposed: since -son of Taras previousl...
Dedication by an official honoured by the Paraloi
IG II3 4 259 Date: 350-300 BC...
of Eleusis.
Statue base
I Eleusis 537 Date: ii AD?...
... Eleusis ...
... this ...
(10) ... temple (anaktorou) ...
... having been shown ...
(Uninscribed space)
... temple (anaktoro...
List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Meyer, Metics, no. 21 Date: ca. 336/5 - 322/1 BC... Anaxandrides son of Anaxandros of Eleusis;
libation bowl (phiale), weight: 100 drachmas.
(5) - living in Kydathenaion,
acquitted (apophugousa) in a prosecuti...