26 Results for "Boutadai"
Displaying 1 - 26
1.Decree honouring Lykourgos of Boutadai
AIO 871 Date: 307/6 BC
(Literary version (Plut. Lives of the Ten Orators 852))
((851f)) Lykophron son of Lykourgos of Boutadai made a claim to meals (sitesin) in the ...
Payments from the treasury of Athena, 410/9 BC
IG I3 375 Date: 410/9 BC... the hellenotamiai, to Thrason of Boutadai and his fellow officials, 3 tal. 1,083 dr. 2 ob.; on the eleventh of the prytany,
to the hellenota...
Decree of the genos Salaminioi concerning the resolution of a dispute
RO 37 Date: 363/2 BC...
Thrason of Boutadai, Stratophon son of Straton of Agryle, Melittios
son of Exekestides of Boutadai, Aristarchos son of Demokles of Acharn...
Decree honouring the general, Diotimos (?)
IG II3 1 336 Date: 334/3-325 (334/3?) BC...
(5) Lykophron of Boutadai proposed:
concerning what Diotimos the
general () says, ...
(10) ...
Dedication by the prytany of Oineis, 360/59 BC
IG II3 4 56 Date: 360/59 BC... (15) Aristonymos
from Boutadai
from Lousia
(20) from Perithoidai
from Kothokidai...
Proxeny for Sopatros of Akragas
IG II3 1 432 Date: 337-325 BC...
son of Lykophron of Boutadai proposed:
concerning what the Council has proposed
that the People shall resolve:
(5) since Sopatros son of Philis...
Honours for market inspectors (agoranomoi)
IG II3 1 1018 Date: 245/4 BC...
-enes of Boutadai ...
Decree making arrangements for Ioulis on Keos, 363/2 BC
RO 39 Date: 363/2 BC... Pallene was secretary. Philittios of Boutadai
was chairman. The Council and the People decided. Aristophon
(5) proposed: since the Ioulietans whom the Athenians restored
The Kitians granted permission to found a sanctuary of Aphrodite
IG II3 1 337 Date: 333/2 BC...
son of Lykophron of Boutadai proposed:
concerning what is deemed
to have been the lawful supplication
(35) of the Kitian merchants (enporoi) ...
Honours for the managers of the Amphiaraia
IG II3 1 355 Date: 329/8 BC... Lykourgos son of Lykophron of Boutadai,
Demades son of Demeas of Paiania, Sophilos
(25) son of Aristoteles of Phyle, Thrasyleon
son of Theophon of Acharn...
IG II3 1 357
328/7 BC
... Lykourgos son of Lykophron of Boutadai proposed:
... manage- ...
Honours for a Plataian
IG II3 1 345 Date: 332/1 BC... Lykourgos son of Lykophron of Boutadai
(10) proposed: since - son of Eudemos of Plataia
both previously announced to the People
... so that there may be
Honours for a son of Eupor-
IG II3 1 329 Date: 336/5 BC or 335/4 BC...
son of Lykophron of Boutadai proposed: concerning what -s
(10) says, the Council shall decide:
that the presiding committee (proedrous) allotted to pre...
Laws about cult objects
IG II3 1 445 Date: Ca. 335 BC... Lykourgos son of Lykophron of Boutadai proposed: so that ...
(15) ... the silver amphorae and the baskets and the other ...
... and not ...
... sacred embassy (th...
Dedication by a court president (thesmothetes), 253/2 BC
IG II3 4 99 Date: 253/2 BC... Deinias son of Kephisodotos of Boutadai
having been court president (thesmothetesas) in the archonship of
Pheidostratos ((253/2)) dedicated (this).
(In ...
Honours for the prytany of Oineis
IG II3 1 1144 Date: Shortly before 225 BC... Chares
(65) Lousia
Honours for Eudemos of Plataia
IG II3 1 352 Date: 330/29 BC...
of Boutadai proposed: since
Eudemos both announced previously
to the People that he would donate for
the war, should it be ne...
List of names, prytany Oineis (?)
Agora XV 48 Date: ca. 330 BC...
(Text missing)
Honours for the prytany of Ptolemais
IG II3 1 1337 Date: 193/2 (or 181/0) BC?...
(25) -tos
(30) At...
Statue base for Lysimache, priestess of Athena Polias
Keesling, Syeris, 468 Date: Ca. 360 BC
... group, cf. RO 37) Eteoboutadai, specifically of the branch of the genos based in the deme Bate, which supplied the priestesses of Athena Polias. Her...
[Full inscription]
Decree of Epikephisia honouring those chosen to prosecute Neokles
IG II2 1205 Date: ca. 350-300 BC
... small demes of its trittys, Boutadai and Lakiadai, a little north of the findspot of this inscription close to the Dipylon gate (cf. Russo, p. 79, note 176). It was dated by earl...
[Full inscription]
Honours for the dadouch Themistokles
I Eleusis 300 Date: ca. 24/3-20/19 BC
... fourth century BC, Lykourgos of Boutadai, and apart from his work in relation to the Kerykes, he "reorganised" (?) the Eteoboutad priesthood of Poseidon Erechtheus ([Plut.] Life of L...
[Full inscription]
Honours for Kallias of Sphettos
IG II3 1 911 Date: 270/69 BC
... of 307/6 honouring Lykourgos of Boutadai, who had died in 325 BC, to his having “rendered his accounts many times in a free and democratic city”, AIO 871), it could quite plausibly b...
[Full inscription]
Five decrees honouring Herakleides of Salamis
IG II3 1 367 Date: 330/29-328/7 BC and 325/4 BC
... honouring his fellow-tribesman, Lykourgos of Boutadai (IG II2 457 + 3207 fr. c, 25-27). He had proposed the Assembly's commissioning decree (l. 47). However, he was clearly not on the Council thi...
[Full inscription]
Cypress from Karpathos
AIO 954 Date: 445-430 BC
... 110, and in Athens the Eteoboutadai, "genuine descendants of Boutes", the prestigious Attic genos with a claim to direct descent from the autochthono...
[Full inscription]
Marker of house of phratry Io[nidai] (?)
SEG 46.229 Date: ca. 400-350 BC
... or groups within them (e.g. (Eteo)boutadai, Dekeleia/Dekeleieis, Thymaitis/Thymaitadai) and it would not be especially surprising to find the "house" of an extra-urban phratry in the a...
[Full inscription]